
Elite force of ‘cyber cops’ to be trained by Europol | foodonia

Top police cybercrime experts from 22 European countries are to participate in a 10-day intensive training course in Spain starting this week – becoming, in the words of the head of the European Cybercrime Centre, “cyber cops”.

The hands-on course will last 10 days. It follows a nine-week training course where the police experts have been challenged online by experts from other cybercrime divisions and academia, according to V3’s report.

Troels Oerting, Head of EC3 said in a statement: “Today we have 37 more cybercrime experts joining the growing group of cyber cops and more will follow. We might have started a bit late – but we are catching up fast, and will continue to invest in this area to do our part in keeping the Internet open and transparent but also safe.”

Oerting described the challenges that the newly qualified “cyber cops” are facing as “overwhelming” - noting that organized crime has now made a home in cyberspace.

Oerting said, ““This high level training course held in impressive surroundings offered by the Spanish Police is an important contribution to the improved readiness in many countries to prevent and combat cybercrime. We need all hands on deck in order to match the overwhelming crime perpetrated in cyberspace by organized criminal networks and we need real experts in order to be able to detect, identify and hunt down these criminals.”

This the second year where EC3 has run an intensive training course for police cybercrime experts.

Spanish National Police Commissioner Ignacio Cosidó Gutiérrez said that international cooperation was vital in the battle against cybercrime.

Gutiérrez said, ““International police cooperation, capacity building, public-private partnership and a network of specialised police officers are key elements in the fight against cybercrime.”

The post Elite force of ‘cyber cops’ to be trained by Europol appeared first on We Live Security.

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