
Urgent iPhone and iPad security update, Mac OS X pending | foodonia

If you use an iPhone or an iPad, right now would be a good time to install iOS 7.0.6. You can do this via the Settings icon, under General, where you will see something like the screen below. (I will get to the situation facing Mac OS X users in a moment.)

iOS 7.0.6 Update Now I’m guessing that a lot of people who use iPhones and iPads won’t be entirely clear about what “a fix for SSL connection verification” implies. After all, this is fairly technical language, as is the explanation that Apple provides here.

But the practical implication is clear, as our good friend Graham Cluley puts it, until you upgrade, your i-device has “a critical vulnerability that could allow hackers to intercept what should have been secure communications between your iPhone and SSL-protected websites.”

SSL is what online banks and stores use to protect your electronic interaction with them. It is signified by the little padlock icon that shows up in the browser address bar, next to “https://address” and so on. As Graham notes, the problem Apple is fixing with this update potentially means that “online attackers could grab your userid or passwords as you attempted to log into popular websites.”

Since SSL is also used to verify software updates, sometimes called patches, those present another possible avenue of attack for the bad guys looking to take over these devices. What does that mean? You should do your iOS 7.0.6 update over a trusted network, not the open Wi-Fi at your local coffee shop (unless you know the owner is also security geek or you’re a security pro yourself and installed the system for her).

At this point my main concern is that the bad guys have reverse engineered the fix and now know how to target the vulnerability on unpatched systems. A serious secondary concern is that not everyone with an i-device is seeing a message from Apple urging them to upgrade. In the past, I know the Settings icon on my iPhone has sported a numeric badge telling me that I need to upgrade, but I have not yet seen one for iOS 7.0.6. (and a non-scientific survey of friends tells me I am not alone).

Another potential obstacle to rapid and universal plugging of this attack vector is that “a fix for SSL connection verification” does not read like an appealing reason to upgrade, particularly for the millions of users who have no idea what SSL is, despite using it every day. So let me just repeat that this is an important update. Encouraging friends and family who have iOS devices to go ahead with the update is the right thing to do.

As for Apple Mac laptops and desktops, the situation is that they too have this SSL vulnerability and the update is not yet released. If you, like me, are using a Mac, you need to stay alert for the release of the fix and install it right away, over a known good network.

One precaution you can take is to use Firefox or Chrome as your browser as these will abort vulnerable connections. You can check this using a web page at gotofail.com. The results from Safari on my Macbook Air right now says this:

Checking SSL on Mac OS X

We will update We Live Security as we learn more about the Mac OS X update. For now, let me leave you with one more tip, this from our good friends at CrowdStrike:

  • On unpatched mobile and laptop devices, set “Ask to Join Networks” setting to OFF, which will prevent them from showing prompts to connect to untrusted networks.

Have any questions on this issue? Leave us a comment and one of our researchers will respond as soon as they can.

The post Urgent iPhone and iPad security update, Mac OS X pending appeared first on We Live Security.

Brought by: http://foodonia.com

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