
RSA Conference 2023 – How AI will infiltrate the world | foodonia

As all things (wrongly called) AI take the world’s biggest security event by storm, we round up of some of their most-touted use cases and applications

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Evasive Panda APT group delivers malware via updates for popular Chinese software | foodonia

ESET Research uncovers a campaign by the APT group known as Evasive Panda targeting an international NGO in China with malware delivered through updates of popular Chinese software

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RSA Conference 2023 – How AI will infiltrate the world | foodonia

As all things (wrongly called) AI take the world’s biggest security event by storm, we round up of some of their most-touted use cases and applications

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The EU’s Cyber Solidarity Act: Security Operations Centers to the rescue! | foodonia

The legislation aims to bolster the Union’s cyber-resilience and enhance its capabilities to prepare for, detect and respond to incidents

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PC running slow? 10 ways you can speed it up | foodonia

Before you rush to buy new hardware, try these simple tricks to get your machine up to speed again – and keep it that way.

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The EU’s Cyber Solidarity Act: Security Operations Centers to the rescue! | foodonia

The legislation aims to bolster the Union’s cyber-resilience and enhance its capabilities to prepare for, detect and respond to incidents

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PC running slow? 10 ways you can speed it up | foodonia

Before you rush to buy new hardware, try these simple tricks to get your machine up to speed again – and keep it that way.

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Discarded, not destroyed: Old routers reveal corporate secrets | foodonia

When decommissioning their old hardware, many companies 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'

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Discarded, not destroyed: Old routers reveal corporate secrets | foodonia

When decommissioning their old hardware, many companies 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'

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Discarded, not destroyed: Old routers reveal corporate secrets | foodonia

When decommissioning their old hardware, many companies 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'

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Steer clear of tax scams – Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

In a rush to file your taxes? Watch out for cybercriminals preying on stressed taxpayers as Tax Day looms large on the horizon.

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Steer clear of tax scams – Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

In a rush to file your taxes? Watch out for cybercriminals preying on stressed taxpayers as Tax Day looms large on the horizon.

The post Steer clear of tax scams – Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

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Cleaning up your social media and passwords: What to trash and what to treasure | foodonia

Give your social media presence a good spring scrubbing, audit your passwords and other easy ways to bring order to your digital chaos

The post Cleaning up your social media and passwords: What to trash and what to treasure appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

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