
A lookback under the TA410 umbrella: Its cyberespionage TTPs and activity | foodonia

ESET researchers reveal a detailed profile of TA410: we believe this cyberespionage umbrella group consists of three different teams using different toolsets, including a new version of the FlowCloud espionage backdoor discovered by ESET.

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Critical infrastructure: Under cyberattack for longer than you might think | foodonia

Lessons from history and recent attacks on critical infrastructure throw into sharp relief the need to better safeguard our essential systems and services

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Critical infrastructure: Under cyberattack for longer than you might think | foodonia

Lessons from history and recent attacks on critical infrastructure throw into sharp relief the need to better safeguard our essential systems and services

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Is your Lenovo laptop vulnerable to cyberattack? | foodonia

Here’s what to know about vulnerabilities in more than 100 Lenovo consumer laptop models and what you can do right away to stay safe – all in under three minutes

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Is your Lenovo laptop vulnerable to cyberattack? | foodonia

Here’s what to know about vulnerabilities in more than 100 Lenovo consumer laptop models and what you can do right away to stay safe – all in under three minutes

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

Fake e-shops & Android malware – A journey into the dark recesses of the world wide web – Keeping your cloud resources safe

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How secure is your cloud storage? Mitigating data security risks in the cloud | foodonia

As cloud systems are increasingly the bedrock on which digital transformation is built, keeping a close eye on how they are secured is an essential cybersecurity best practice

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How secure is your cloud storage? Mitigating data security risks in the cloud | foodonia

As cloud systems are increasingly the bedrock on which digital transformation is built, keeping a close eye on how they are secured is an essential cybersecurity best practice

The post How secure is your cloud storage? Mitigating data security risks in the cloud appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

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We’re going on Tor | foodonia

If better privacy and anonymity sound like music to your ears, you may not need to look much further than Tor Browser. Here’s what it’s like to surf the dark web using the browser.

The post We’re going on Tor appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

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