
Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

This week, ESET researchers analyze fraud emails from the infamous Grandoreiro banking Trojan, impersonating the Agencia Tributaria, Spain’s tax agency. Our security expert Jake Moore demonstrates how easily it is to clone an Instagram account and lure people to give money; learn how to protect yourself. Finally, have you thought about what will happen to your

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Grandoreiro banking trojan impersonates Spain’s tax agency | foodonia

Beware the tax bogeyman – there are tax scams aplenty

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

ESET highlights new research at Black Hat 2020 – What to if your data was stolen in the Blackbaud breach

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Stadeo: Deobfuscating Stantinko and more | foodonia

We introduce Stadeo – a set of scripts that can help fellow threat researchers and reverse engineers to deobfuscate the code of Stantinko and other malware

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Small and medium‑sized businesses: Big targets for ransomware attacks | foodonia

Why are SMBs a target for ransomware-wielding gangs and what can they do to protect themselves against cyber-extortion?

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

New ESET Threat Report is out – Defending against Thunderspy attacks – Thousands of databases wiped in Meow attacks

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Twitter breach: Staff tricked by ‘phone spear phishing’ | foodonia

The attackers exploited the human factor to gain access to Twitter’s internal systems and the accounts of some of the world’s most prominent figures

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10 billion records exposed in unsecured databases, study says | foodonia

The databases contain personal information that could be used for phishing attacks and identity theft schemes

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