
Who’s behind DDoS attacks at UK universities? | foodonia

The timing of the attacks suggests that many attempts to take the networks offline may not necessarily be perpetrated by organized cybercriminal gangs

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

ESET researchers have discovered the first in-the-wild UEFI rootkit. Dubbed LoJax, the research team has shown that the Sednit operators used different components of the LoJax malware against numerous countries in Europe

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The Occasional Orator Part 2 | foodonia

Public speaking and presenting at conferences can be daunting for the majority of people but by including some subtle tricks, the speaker can deliver a stronger message

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Attackers crack Newegg’s defenses, slurp customers’ credit card data | foodonia

The skimmer, injected into the store’s payment page, harvested credit-card details from the store’s online customers for more than a month

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

ESET researchers uncover major banking fraud attempts - Week in security with Tony Anscombe

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DanaBot shifts its targeting to Europe, adds new features | foodonia

ESET researchers have discovered new DanaBot campaigns targeting a number of European countries

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

ESET researchers have discovered several third-party add-ons for the popular open-source media player Kodi. The first 100 days of GDPR reviewed. Also a look at how Microsoft addressed 61 security flaws in Windows in their Patch Tuesday release

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Russian man accused of running Kelihos botnet pleads guilty | foodonia

In its heyday, Kelihos comprised up to 100,000 compromised devices that were capable of blasting out billions of malware-laden emails every day

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Of ML and malware: What’s in store? | foodonia

All things labeled Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) are making waves, but talk of them in cybersecurity contexts often muddies the waters. A new ESET white paper sets out to bring some clarity to a subject where confusion often reigns supreme

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