
Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

ESET’s Global Security Evangelist & Industry Ambassador Tony Anscombe is back with the latest cybersecurity news. This week he looks at the latest findings by ESET researchers on the Turla group who have been a using an Outlook backdoor to spy on government institutions in Europe. Cybersecurity in Canada comes under the spotlight. Plus news

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Bugcrowd University: The free educational platform for security researchers | foodonia

The Bugcrowd crowdsourcing platform launched Bugcrowd University, an educational platform for security researchers that aims to contribute to the development of bug hunting skills

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Week in security with Tony Anscombe | foodonia

Welcome to the first ever week in security video round-up. This weekly video will bring you some of the biggest industry news that we have covered here on WeLiveSecurity. The videos will be presented by ESET’s Global Security Evangelist & Industry Ambassador Tony Anscombe.

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Turla: In and out of its unique Outlook backdoor | foodonia

The latest ESET research offers a rare glimpse into the mechanics of a particularly stealthy and resilient backdoor that the Turla cyberespionage group can fully control via PDF files attached to emails

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Instagram users locked out of accounts en masse | foodonia

If you’re an Instagrammer, you may want to take some basic precautions, such as picking a strong and unique password and signing up for two-factor authentication sooner rather than later

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Interviewing ESET’s experts about the Web’s journey so far – part 1 | foodonia

What has the journey of the World Wide Web been like so far, as seen and experienced by ESET’s security folk? ESET Senior Research Fellow David Harley provides his take in the first installment of our series of interviews marking the Web’s 27th birthday.

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