
WannaCryptor said to reappear, hitting Boeing’s computers | foodonia

The notorious ransomware prompted fears that aircraft production could be impacted

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Pingu Cleans Up: Subscription scam on Google Play | foodonia

The game was uploaded to Google Play and attempted to trick users into unwittingly signing up for a weekly paid subscription

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World Backup Day: Banks having each other’s back | foodonia

As World Backup Day reminds us, robust backups are integral to healthy information security practices of any organization. This is doubly true for those operating in critical sectors.

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Lizard Squad member jailed after offering DDoS-for-hire attack service | foodonia

"Hacker-for-hire" service launched distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against websites and phone-bombed its victims.

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World Backup Day: Saving the day by saving data | foodonia

World Backup Day, celebrated annually on March 31, is a timely reminder of the importance of taking effective measures that can make all the difference when a data loss incident strikes. It is also a good time to pause and reflect on the rising tide of threats that organizations, notably those operating in critical industries, face in cyberspace. 

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Monero cryptocurrency: Malware’s rising star | foodonia

Bitcoin gets all the press these days when it comes to cryptocurrency but the gap in market capitalization is narrowing.

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Be wary when scanning QR codes with iOS 11’s camera app | foodonia

Boobytrapped QR code can trick iOS 11 into taking you to a malicious website

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The Last Windows XP Security White Paper | foodonia

Using the strategies and procedures we present in our paper could help prevent an attacker from taking control of your computer

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Oil & gas industry in Middle East found lagging in security | foodonia

The oil and gas industry is the target of as much as one-half of all cyberattacks in the Middle East

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Police arrest members of cybercrime gang | foodonia

ATM jackpot gang is thought to have infiltrated over 100 financial firms in 40 countries costing banks more than one billion dollars.

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Employers’ best bet for appealing to security pros? Value their opinions | foodonia

The report also sheds light on how not to go about attracting new hires. Vague and inaccurate job descriptions along with job postings that include insufficient qualifications were found to top the list of turnoffs for many jobseekers

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How diversity in cybersecurity contributes to your company | foodonia

Diverse background can contribute to your organization's security. Here are some tips to get more diversity in security perspectives.

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Mr. Robot S03E05: A Runtime Error, Credential Theft and New Easter Eggs | foodonia

The latest episode of this series marks the halfway point in the third season and, in addition to some amazing camerawork there are several examples of actions related to IT security that crop up throughout the episode.

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Dangerous malware stealing bitcoin hosted on Download.com for years | foodonia

ESET researchers dicovered that Trojanized applications used to steal bitcoin were hosted inadvertently by the popular website download.cnet.com.

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Cryptocurrency exchange announces bounty on hackers | foodonia

The attack itself unfolded within the span of two minutes on March 7. Hackers made a flurry of automated transactions that involved the digital currencies Viacoin (VIA) and Bitcoin (BTC).

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OceanLotus ships new backdoor using old tricks | foodonia

To smuggle the backdoor onto a targeted machine, the group uses a two-stage attack whereby a dropper package first gains a foothold on the system and sets the stage for the backdoor itself. This process involves some trickery commonly associated with targeted operations of this kind.

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New traces of Hacking Team in the wild | foodonia

Since being founded in 2003, the Italian spyware vendor Hacking Team gained notoriety for selling surveillance tools to governments and their agencies across the world. The capabilities of its flagship product, the Remote Control System (RCS), include extracting files from a targeted device, intercepting emails and instant messaging, as well as remotely activating a device’s webcam and microphone.

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One in five healthcare employees willing to sell patient data, study finds | foodonia

The problem was particularly acute among provider organizations, as opposed to payer organizations (21% vs. 12%). Also, and perhaps counterintuitively, staff with more frequent cybersecurity training were more inclined to such practices.

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New DDoS attack method breaks record again, adds extortion | foodonia

DDoS mitigation service Arbor Networks has announced that an undisclosed US company has suffered an attack fueled by internet-facing Memcached servers that clocked in at 1.7 terabits per second (Tbps), beating the previous record of 1.35 Tbps.

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Trends 2018: The ransomware revolution | foodonia

While Denial of Service attacks amplified by the use of networks of bot-compromised PCs were becoming a notable problem by the turn of the century, DDoS extortion threats have accelerated in parallel (if less dramatically) with the rise in ransomware in the past few years.

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Cryptojacking: the result of the “cryptocurrency rush” | foodonia

Tools for mining cryptocurrencies also fall into this category, as in many cases the websites cannot warn users since they have been compromised themselves, hence even the administrators may not be aware that they are contributing to mining for the benefit of an attacker.

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GitHub knocked briefly offline by biggest DDoS attack ever | foodonia

At its peak, inbound traffic reached a staggering 1.35 terabits per second (Tbps), outflanking the previously record-setting assault of 1 Tbps at French web hosting provider OVH in September 2016.

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The rise of AI needs to be controlled, report warns | foodonia

The experts urge policy-makers to work closely with technical researchers, computer scientists and the cybersecurity community to investigate, understand and prepare for possible malicious uses of AI.

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How to start analyzing the security of your IoT devices | foodonia

Nowadays, a lot of attacks take place by tricking the user in some way, such as to open a file, click on a malicious link, or enter their personal data into a fake website. But when it comes to the “Internet of Things” (IoT), the methods are a little different. In principle, this is partly because

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Mobile World Congress: Introducing 5G | foodonia

If we look back at previous incarnations of mobile networks, 1G, 2G and so on, there have been major changes to the technology. The next generation, 5G, delivers, greater speed and lower latency, but also has the advantage of being able to connect many more devices concurrently.

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Major reform of cybersecurity policies in France | foodonia

This document, which is described by its authors as a “real white paper on cyber-defense”, is divided into three parts, followed by approximately 20 priority recommendations summarizing the central elements of the document.

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