
Researchers unveil Veil to make ‘private browsing more private’ | foodonia

The blinding server randomly adds some nonsense code to every webpage. This ‘code obfuscation’, according to the academics, has no effect on what the actual page looks like, but it drastically changes the appearance of the underlying source file.

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Cryptocurrency scams on Android: do you know what to watch out for? | foodonia

The recent rise in cryptocurrency scams appearing on the Android platform in disguise has shown that such incidents are not exclusive to PCs and also highlight the importance of knowing what to look out for so you do not unintentionally take part.

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SEC says insider trading is not the right response to cyber risk | foodonia

The SEC has warned public companies that they not only need to do more to fulfil their obligations to transparency and openness with investors about cybersecurity breaches, but they also must disclose other infosecurity risks.

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One-third of organizations sacrifice mobile security for business performance | foodonia

Only one in seven organizations have put in place all four basic cybersecurity practices specified by Verizon – changing all default passwords, encrypting data transmitted over public networks, granting employee access on a need-to-know basis, and testing security systems regularly.

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Over 40% of online login attempts are attackers trying to invade accounts | foodonia

Bots that traverse the internet on behalf of their human operators can fulfill both legitimate and malicious automated tasks. Statistics indicate that bot-driven internet traffic, by helper and harmful bots combined, surpasses human traffic.

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Privacy by Design: Can you create a safe smart home? | foodonia

The Internet of Things (IoT) can be a network of connected convenience but this should not come at the expense of safeguarding your privacy and the personal data that connected devices collect and share.

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Six tips to help you avoid targeted marketing | foodonia

If you get sick of shopping sites sending you “I see you stared at this item, here’s some similar stuff” messages, you may be able to modify your subscriptions or notifications to make this stop.

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Apple defuses ‘text bomb’ bug | foodonia

A number of text-based apps crashed, became unresponsive or entered an endless bootloop when attempting to show the otherwise little-used character from a language that is spoken by some 75 million people.

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Cybercrime weighs most heavily on financial service firms | foodonia

A further breakdown of the overall figures shows that, in all, the actual cost hinges on a number of variables. The factors that enter heavily into the equation include attack types and their frequency, along with the organization’s size and even the country in which an organization is based.

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Millions bagged in two bank cyber-heists | foodonia

This hack is said to be reminiscent of a particularly brazen bank cyber-heist from February 2016, in which hackers successfully pilfered $81 million from the account of the central bank of Bangladesh at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

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US forms dedicated office to help avert cyberattacks at infrastructure | foodonia

The vulnerability of critical infrastructure, including energy grids, to cyberattacks has been a growing concern worldwide. Many nations have been scrambling to improve their defenses vis-à-vis threats faced by services that are critical to the continuity of our daily lives.

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Concerns about data breaches hitting all-time high | foodonia

A record-high proportion of organizations worldwide (67%) said that they had been breached at some point, up from 56% in the report’s previous edition.

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Android ransomware in 2017: Innovative infiltration and rougher extortion | foodonia

Ransomware in 2017 saw users and businesses across the globe trying to cope with campaigns such as Petya and WannaCryptor. Not to be outdone, Android ransomware had a year full of innovative infiltration and rougher extortion as highlighted by the latest ESET research whitepaper.

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Patch now! Microsoft fixes over 50 serious security flaws | foodonia

This week saw the second Tuesday of the month, and everyone who is responsible for protecting Windows computers knows what that means: another bundle of security patches have been released by Microsoft.

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How safe are you around your smart TV? | foodonia

Smart TVs afford us the opportunity to use them for purposes that are more commonly associated with computers. In fact, that’s what these TVs have become – internet-connected ‘computers’, much like mobile phones. It would no doubt help if we thought of them as such and treated them accordingly.

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Blockchain Hardened devices: Can they restore privacy with security by design? | foodonia

These developments show that security technology is now keeping up, or outpacing other technological and regulatory developments. Thus, while users’ wants often continue to trump their appreciation of risk, the industry has responded and in many cases gotten ahead of popular demand.

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US and UK government websites hijacked to mine cryptocurrency on visitors’ machines | foodonia

If undetected by a user’s security solution or content- or ad-blocker, the script ran in the background unbeknown to the user until the webpage was closed. A number of the affected websites, including that of the ICO, were also offline for hours in the aftermath of the attack.

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All HTTP websites to soon be marked as “not secure” by Google Chrome | foodonia

If you're still running a website that is still using insecure HTTP then it's time to wake up and drink the coffee. Because unless you take action soon, you're going to find many of your visitors are going to distrust your website.

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How will WPA3 improve WiFi security? | foodonia

This is aimed at improving security at the time of the handshake, which is when the key is being exchanged. As a result, WPA3 is poised to provide robust security even if short or weak passwords are used, i.e. those that don’t contain a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

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Global cybercrime behemoth busted, 36 people indicted | foodonia

According to US authorities, the enterprise aimed at becoming the premier destination for the buying and selling of stolen payment card data and forged identification documents. It is believed that the losses that the Infraud Organization had intended to cause were north of $2.2 billion.

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FBI warns of email scams claiming to be from Bureau | foodonia

Another template attempts to scare, rather than thrill, the recipients. Upon learning that “your IP address and other identifying information were used to commit multiple online crimes”, the mark is urged to contact the sender by phone immediately.

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Think you have a tracker on your phone? Learn how to make your device more resilient | foodonia

While it certainly doesn’t hurt to ask for help from local law enforcement, know that even major cities may not have the expertise or the bandwidth to investigate compromised mobile devices. The most important objective is to take steps to make sure you’re safe. Ask for help, but do not wait for others to help you.

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