
ESET malware researchers awarded prize in open-source memory forensics competition | foodonia

The Volatility Foundation, the non-profit organization behind the Volatility Framework, sponsors the yearly Volatility Plugin Contest to acknowledge the best forensic tools built on the Volatility platform.

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Keyless convenience or security risk? Car theft in action | foodonia

Exactly how does the attack work and is it expensive to create? The attack, while seeming to be technology voodoo, is actually rather simple. It requires a transmitting relay near the key and a second relay near the car to receive the relayed signals and mimic the key.

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Mr. Robot: Now we know where Tyrell was hiding | foodonia

Since nothing is what is seems, it's hard to be sure who was really behind the attacks shown in the series. The world still believes fsociety was responsible (and they themselves do too, to an extent), but the truth is that there is a group in the shadows that is pulling all the strings.

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New reality in European banking looming large: the lowdown | foodonia

At the heart of the regulation is the requirement for banks to allow licensed third-party providers (TPPs) of financial services to access securely their customer-account data, as long as the customer has given their prior consent.

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Busy Browsers attract Black Friday Burglars | foodonia

Just as in past decades when cash drawers and bank vaults were targeted for theft, today’s e-shops and online banks have fallen under the scope of cybercriminals. Their “digital-focus” is just an evolutionary step beyond robbing stagecoaches in the Wild West, and banks in the 20th century.

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Smartphone adoption among older Americans continues growth spurt | foodonia

Some three-quarters of users up to 34 years of age reported that they “definitely” or “probably” use their phone too much. Almost half (47 percent) of all ages said they make a conscious effort to pare back their mobile phone time, most commonly by keeping their devices in their bag or pocket or by switching off notifications.

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US indicts alleged culprit of HBO hack-and-extort campaign | foodonia

Between approximately July 23 and 29, Mesri reportedly engaged in his blackmail campaign. After the TV network didn’t pay the required $6 million in digital cryptocurrency, he began leaking portions of the stolen data on July 30.

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Girls Inc. in the spotlight: Nonprofit Pitch Fest contest grand prize winner | foodonia

Girls Inc. of San Diego County was founded 50 years ago as a local affiliate of the national Girls Inc. The national organization was started as the Girls Club of America more than 150 years ago, to help young women who had migrated from rural communities in search of job opportunities.

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New campaigns spread banking malware through Google Play | foodonia

For a user, it can be difficult to figure out whether an app is malicious. First off it is always good only to install applications from the Google Play store, since most malware is still mainly spread through alternative stores.

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Cybersecurity for journalists and the news media | foodonia

In journalism, having good contacts is key and this is true when it comes to defending your digital assets. The following are some sources – of information and, possibly, assistance – that you might want to cultivate.

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Only…zero days left until the holiday shopping season! | foodonia

he holidays are a time when people purchase gifts for their friends, families, and yes, even for themselves. Increasingly, children are using and accessing more and more digital devices — making it important for everyone to work together to secure these devices.

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Kids’ smartwatches banned in Germany over spying concerns | foodonia

German parents are being told to destroy smartwatches they have bought for their children after the country's telecoms regulator put a blanket ban in place to prevent sale of the devices, amid growing privacy concerns.

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UK’s ICO issues stark reminder of backlash for privacy invasion | foodonia

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) in the United Kingdom has issued a stark reminder and straight-to-the-point warning for all employees who might be tempted to snoop on others’ personal data.

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Is your business ready for the Holiday Season? | foodonia

Unfortunately, as with every opportunity, there are people who want to benefit from your success without putting in the hard work. Cybercriminals will view the increase in traffic and spending as opportunities to make extra money.

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One-third of internet pounded by DoS attacks | foodonia

Simple DoS attacks, which are a one-on-one affair, have been all but supplanted by DDoS attacks. The latter involve concerted campaigns from armies of devices conscripted into botnets which, as if lined up and marching in lockstep, aim to knock the unlucky target offline.

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Think you deleted that embarrassing WhatsApp message you sent? Think again | foodonia

If there's one thing we should all have learnt from our years on the internet it should be this: once you say something somewhere, it's very hard to take it back and pretend it never happened.

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Tips for buying and sending gift cards | foodonia

In a world where money is often represented as numbers moving from one place to another, the difference between types of payment cards may seem a bit nebulous.

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US Vulnerability Equities Policy: transparency welcome, but serious questions remain | foodonia

Commentary on government struggles to protect internet security while stockpiling cyber vulnerabilities in order to launch attacks and gain intelligence.

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Multi-stage malware sneaks into Google Play | foodonia

In all the cases we investigated, the final payload was a mobile banking trojan. Once installed, it behaves like a typical malicious app of this kind: it may present the user with fake login forms to steal credentials or credit card details.

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US rules on reporting cybersecurity flaws set to change according to source | foodonia

Currently the US government employs an inter-agency review, created under former President Barack Obama. Known as the Vulnerability Equities Process, it is tasked with deciding what happens to any cybersecurity flaws that is discovered by the National Security Agency (NSA).

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Americans’ unease about cybercrime towers over conventional crimes | foodonia

The high level of fear of cybercrime dovetails with the self-reported rates of victimization, as 25% of the respondents reported that their personal information or that of their household member has been stolen by hackers over the past 12 months.

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Transparency of ML algorithms is a double-edged sword | foodonia

Unless companies processing citizens’ personal data fully understand the reasoning behind the decisions made based on their machine-learning models, they will find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

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Experts share perspective on the state of journalists’ cybersafety | foodonia

These days, journalists and publishers are increasingly concerned about protecting themselves, their work, and their sources. Rightfully so, for we live in a time when nearly every aspect of publishing occurs online.

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Fighting persistent malware with a UEFI scanner | foodonia

The biggest news in malware so far this year has been WannaCryptor a.k.a. WannaCry, and one reason that particular ransomware spread so fast was because it used a “top secret” exploit developed by the NSA, an agency known to have dabbled in UEFI compromise.

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Five tips for keeping your database secure | foodonia

In general, these are the most basic and essential precautions any systems manager must consider. However, depending on the system you want to protect, there are some additional issues to take into account.

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Blade Runner 2049: A reflection on our use of technology | foodonia

At present, virtual assistants are a long way from the image depicted in Blade Runner 2049. However, we are seeing companies take major steps in this direction. We have Siri, Cortana, and Alexa, to name but a few.

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Businesses and GDPR: What they need to do to be compliant? | foodonia

While this may sound daunting and the consequences of non-compliance are significant, it’s considered unlikely that regulators will make an example of small businesses that can demonstrate they have a plan and have attempted to comply fully with requirements.

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Let’s call them… how two computer scientists made history | foodonia

Can you imagine how Dr. Cohen actually created the virus or how Prof. Adleman came up with its name? The work of these men ended up inspiring a constant development of computer defense techniques, and constant research on computer threats

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Learn how a research lab works | foodonia

This event immediately led to the search for countermeasures against the newly created virus. This was our inspiration and motivation behind Antimalware Day as an annual celebration.

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Professor Len Adleman explains how he coined the term “computer virus” | foodonia

So this is how two computer scientists made history and why we want to honor their early work. They laid the foundation for research on computer threats, and for what later came to be our mission on antimalware protection.

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All websites running WordPress urged to update NOW | foodonia

Millions of websites running WordPress are being strongly urged to update to the latest version of the popular content management system as soon as possible, after a serious security vulnerability was uncovered.

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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Twitter Chats part 5 | foodonia

October 2017 marked the 14th National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM. The National Cyber Security Alliance (@NatlCyberSecAlliance) once again hosted a series of Twitter chats every Thursday in October using the hashtag #ChatSTC (moderated by @STOPTHNKCONNECT), in which ESET researchers once again participated. Throughout October we gathered our own thoughts on the topics chosen each week

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