
Heathrow security plans ‘found on USB stick left in the street’ | foodonia

This weekend British tabloid newspaper The Sunday Mirror warned of a potential "risk to national security" after a memory stick containing sensitive information about Heathrow airport was reportedly "found in the street."

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ESET research team assists FBI in Windigo case – Russian citizen sentenced to 46 months | foodonia

Relating the collaboration between ESET experts and the FBI about the Windigo's operation, which ended with the sentencing of Maxim Senakh.

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Windigo Still not Windigone: An Ebury Update | foodonia

In 2014, ESET researchers wrote a blog post about an OpenSSH backdoor and credential stealer called Linux/Ebury In 2017, the team found a new Ebury sample.

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Bad Rabbit: Not-Petya is back with improved ransomware | foodonia

A new ransomware outbreak today and has hit some major infrastructure in Ukraine including Kiev metro. Here are some of the details about this new variant. Drive-by download via watering hole on popular sites One of the distribution method of Bad Rabbit is via drive-by download. Some popular websites are compromised and have JavaScript injected

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Hackers hit plastic surgery, threaten to release patient list and photographs | foodonia

Other cosmetic surgeries who wish to avoid hackers damage their public image would be wise to invest properly in security now, or face the consequences later.

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Kiev metro hit with a new variant of the infamous Diskcoder ransomware | foodonia

Public sources have confirmed that computer systems in the Kiev Metro, Odessa naval port, Odessa airport, Ukrainian ministries of infrastructure and finance, and also a number of organizations in Russia are among the affected organizations.

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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Twitter Chats part 3 | foodonia

In the first two parts of our series we have looked at the role an everyday internet user has in making the internet a safer place, and ID theft. This time around we focus on the role everyone has when it comes to cybersecurity best practices in the workplace.

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Fake cryptocurrency trading apps on Google Play | foodonia

With all the hype around cryptocurrencies, cybercriminals are trying to grab whatever new opportunity they can – be it hijacking users’ computing power to mine cryptocurrencies via browsers or by compromising unpatched machines, or various scam schemes utilizing phishing websites and fake apps.

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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Twitter Chats part 2 | foodonia

In the first part of our series we addressed issues such as the role an everyday internet user has in making the internet a safer place, and ID theft. The second part of the Twitter chat continues with the theme of Simple Steps to Online Safety.

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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Twitter Chats | foodonia

We've gathered our own thoughts on the topics chosen each week for this short series of blogs that will be published twice a week.

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DoubleLocker Android ransomware explained | foodonia

The infection mechanism works well – which is crucial for determining how big of a deal a piece of malware is.

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WPA2 security issues pose serious Wi-Fi safety questions | foodonia

‘KRACK’ or Key Reinstallation AttaCK, as it has been labeled, means third parties could eavesdrop on a network meaning private conversations would no longer be private.

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Product Testing: Simulation, dissimulation, exasperation | foodonia

As previously mentioned here, I presented my 16th Virus Bulletin paper  at the Virus Bulletin 2017 conference in Madrid on Thursday 5th October. The paper The (testing) world turned upside down is now available here by kind permission of Virus Bulletin. [1] The paper doesn’t address everything I ever wanted to say about product testing, but

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DoubleLocker: Innovative Android Ransomware | foodonia

DoubleLocker can change the device’s PIN, preventing victims from accessing their devices, and also encrypts the data it finds in them - a combination that has not been seen previously in the Android ecosystem.

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Is your SME ready for GDPR? | foodonia

Billed as the largest piece of privacy legislation for 20 years, the GDPR isn’t merely a directive, but EU legislation enshrined in law. It has been designed to harmonise different laws to protect individuals’ privacy.

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Canadian SMBs: How technology can help you have a better start in business | foodonia

A recent Ipsos survey, found that only 26 per cent of Canadian SMBs feel very confident that their business and its information is safe from cyberattacks

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Ada Lovelace Day: celebrating women in technology | foodonia

By the 1800s, long before the famous Enigma machine and military computerization to decipher codes, a Victorian woman trapped in a patriarchal world, glimpsed the potential reach of computing and the change it would impose on humanity.

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Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific | foodonia

As the Asia Pacific region continues to grow, and adoption of digital technologies – by consumers and businesses – continues, the region is starting to appreciate how attractive it has become to cybercriminals.

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