
Cloud security policy: The questions you need to ask | foodonia

Cloud services are very much what you make of them, and you need to apply at least an equivalent level of rigorousness, in terms of risk assessment, as you would with assets that are hosted on your own network.

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Bankbot trojan returns to Google Play with new tricks | foodonia

The Android banking trojan that we first informed about in the beginning of this year has found its way to Google Play again and contains new tricks designed to get access to the private banking information of the user.

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Security and privacy on the new iOS 11 | foodonia

These new security measures will undoubtedly not only impact the security of data stored on a phone that has been lost or stolen, but could also complicate the progress of criminal investigations requiring the forensic analysis of a phone.

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Spammed-out emails threaten websites with DDoS attack on September 30th | foodonia

Websites are being told that they have until September 30th to pay extortionists $720 worth of Bitcoin, or else suffer a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

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CConsiderations on the CCleaner incident | foodonia

Regardless of how Piriform was breached, for a tool as widely downloaded as CCleaner, with a userbase running into the hundreds of millions, there will be a large impact worldwide, even though only the 32-bit version was affected.

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New FinFisher surveillance campaigns: Are internet providers involved? | foodonia

FinFisher has extensive spying capabilities, such as live surveillance through webcams and microphones, keylogging, and exfiltration of files. What sets FinFisher apart from other surveillance tools, however, are the controversies around its deployments.

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Equifax breach: 5 defensive steps to take now | foodonia

Indications are that this breach occurred between mid-May and July 2017, and that it was discovered by Equifax on July 29. As this has potentially affected almost half of all adults in the US, you may be wondering how to identify or mitigate problems caused by this breach.

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Chinese cryptocurrency crackdown | foodonia

China banned the raising of funds using token-based digital currencies and deemed the practice illegal on Monday, in a move seen as an attempt to impose more regulations on the virtual market.

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