
Are smartphones threatening the security of our IoT devices? | foodonia

The number of IoT devices is set to surpass 20 billion by 2020. We take a look at how connected things threaten our security as cybercriminals exploit weaknesses in the smartphones that control them.

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Black Hat: Hacking the firmware, the next frontier | foodonia

With the onslaught of embedded devices hitting the streets, we see such devices with the operating system, hardware interfaces, and user-facing applications baked into a single blob called firmware. Trick the firmware and you have access to the whole system. Here at Black Hat, there are a lot of people doing just that. Lately, these

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ESET’s Anton Cherepanov picks up Pwnie for Best Backdoor | foodonia

Anton Cherepanov, a malware researcher at ESET, has picked up a Pwnie Award for Best Backdoor at this year’s ceremony at Black Hat USA 2017 in Las Vegas.

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Homograph attacks: Don’t believe everything you see | foodonia

A homograph attack is what happens when attackers register domains that are similar to the originals, with valid certificates.

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Black Hat 2017 industrial hacking – The song remains the same | foodonia

If industry frameworks are to inform and secure the critical infrastructure writ large, here at Black Hat there a lot of people punching holes in them, and in simple ways.

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Black Hat 2017 – Non-standard hacking platforms reign supreme | foodonia

This year at Black Hat, tiny automated hacking platforms are everywhere, loaded with tasty purpose-built tools that can be used to break into your systems.

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Social engineering and ransomware | foodonia

Social engineering may play a vital part in persuading a victim to open a malicious executable or website, says ESET's David Harley on social engineering and ransomware.

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Malware found lurking behind every app at alternative Android store | foodonia

ESET researchers have discovered an Android app store distributing malware on a mass scale.

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£20 million cybersecurity programme to train teenagers set to launch in UK | foodonia

A new £20 million cybersecurity programme to train teenagers will be launched in the UK this autumn, as part of the government’s plans to address the skills gap.

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Spiderman pleads guilty to knocking 900,000 German broadband routers offline | foodonia

It seems that Spiderman is in a spot of trouble, tangled in a web of his own making.

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Stantinko: A massive adware campaign operating covertly since 2012 | foodonia

Since the beginning of 2017, ESET has been conducting an investigation into a complex threat mainly targeting Russia and Ukraine. Stantinko has stood out.

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Citadel “mechanic” receives five year prison sentence | foodonia

A Russian man has been sentenced to five years in prison for helping develop the Citadel malware, which was used to steal personal financial information. It cost more than $5 million in losses.

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Mid-year review: Have our security trends for 2017 become reality? | foodonia

We are halfway through the year and it is a good opportunity to analyze the extent to which the ideas we gathered in the Trends 2017: Security Held Ransom report have come true.

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Everything you need to know about the latest variant of Petya | foodonia

The latest global cyberattack, detected by ESET as Win32 / Diskcoder.C, considered a variant of Petya, once again highlights the reality outdated systems and insufficient security solutions are still widespread.

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