
New Pirates of the Caribbean film ‘stolen by cybercriminals’ | foodonia

Cybercriminals are reportedly demanding a ransom to prevent them from releasing Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

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Check-EternalBlue: Is your PC patched against the WannaCryptor worm vulnerability? | foodonia

In this post, ESET's Cassius Puodzius addresses what we can learn from WannaCryptor ransomware attack, and what we can expect.

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Security updates belong in the limelight, not in the dustbin of history | foodonia

Without regular security updates, your endpoint will be left standing alone against an entire army of cybercriminals who see you as easy prey.

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Apple users advised to update their software now, as new security patches released | foodonia

Welcome to the post-WannaCryptor world, where every computer user understands the importance of creating secure backups and applying security patches in a timely fashion.

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Sednit adds two zero-day exploits using ‘Trump’s attack on Syria’ as a decoy | foodonia

Sednit is back - this time with two more zero-day exploits embedded in a phishing email titled Trump's_Attack_on_Syria_English.docx.

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FCC confirms DDoS attacks | foodonia

The Federal Communications Commission in the US has confirmed that it experienced multiple distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) over the weekend.

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Jackware hits the big screen in #Fast8: Fate of the Furious | foodonia

ESET's Stephen Cobb examines how close we are to the kind of jackware technology shown in the latest Fast and Furious film franchise, Fate of the Furious.

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False positives can be more costly than a malware infection | foodonia

Poor business decisions can be very costly, especially in cybersecurity, where so-called false positives can have very damaging consequences.

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Gannett Co data breach: 18,000 employees reportedly affected | foodonia

Gannett Co, which owns a host of media titles across the US, has reportedly suffered a data breach following a phishing attack.

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Security education and social responsibility | foodonia

We look at key trends for 2017 within this sector, from password security to the need for security education at all institutions: schools, businesses, governments.

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A short history of the computer password | foodonia

The modern computer password was introduced to computer science and the wider world in 1960 by Fernando Corbató. We look at its history and impact.

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Fingerprint security: Three myths busted | foodonia

Fingerprint security is growing in prominence, but is the technology behind it really as secure as we think it is? In this feature, we tackle three myths.

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Beware Google Docs phishing attack | foodonia

Recently, many people received a phishing email from a mailinator.com address that was attached to a malicious Google doc. Beware.

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A DDoS attack could cost businesses as much as $2.5 million | foodonia

Businesses that fall victim to a DDoS attack could lose, on average, as much as $2.5 million in revenue, new research has suggested.

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No more pointless password requirements | foodonia

Peter Stancik discusses the new Digital Identity Guidelines drafted by NIST, which offers an update on password security.

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What motivates some young people to become cybercriminals? | foodonia

Sabrina Pagnotta takes a closer look at what motivates some young people to become cybercriminals. You may be surprised to find out some of the reasons.

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