
Apple underwhelmed by latest CIA exploits revealed by WikiLeaks | foodonia

WikiLeaks's revelations about security vulnerabilities in Apple products appear to be a damp squib.

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16 years of Mac OS X: Secure but not invincible to malware | foodonia

Mac OS X is still secure 16 years after its creation, but increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals. No operating system is 100% malware-proof.

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GDPR: A simple explainer | foodonia

The GDPR is the biggest change in data protection laws for 20 years, and comes into effect on May 25th, 2018. We answer some key questions.

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When bad bugs bite: Apple iCloud accounts ‘held hostage’ | foodonia

The so-called Turkish Crime Family is demanding that Apple pays it a ransom, otherwise it will delete millions of credentials it says it possesses.

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The economics of cybersecurity for the undecided | foodonia

How do you calculate the value at risk? Choosing between investing in antivirus software or doing nothing to prevent cybercrime is not black and white. We explore the grey areas of cybersecurity economics.

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US charges Russian FSB officials in connection with massive Yahoo security breach | foodonia

The United States has charged four men, including two officials of Russia's FSB intelligence agency, in connection with a hacking attack against Yahoo that saw the details of 500 million users stolen and the use of forged cookies to break into accounts.

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Consumer Reports launches new privacy and data security standard | foodonia

The US-based nonprofit organization Consumer Reports has come up with a new standard that aims to boost consumer confidence in privacy and data security.

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New Instagram credential stealers discovered on Google Play | foodonia

ESET researchers discovered 13 new Instagram credential stealers on Google play and looked into the motivations behind their fraudulent schemes.

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Ways in which to plug the infosec talent gap | foodonia

ESET's Lysa Myers looks at the shortage of qualified information security talent to fill positions, discussing ways in which to plug the infosec talent gap.

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Good Weather App radio interview with Alexis Dorais-Joncas and Marc Saltzman | foodonia

A full radio interview with ESET's Alexis Dorais-Joncas and radio and TV personality Marc Saltzman – on NewsTalk 1010 – talking about a malicious weather app that was found on Google Play.

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WordPress webmasters urged to upgrade to version 4.73 to patch six security holes | foodonia

Another day, another important security update for WordPress.

If your running a self-hosted version of WordPress, you must update the software on your website now.

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IoT of toys stranger than fiction: cybersecurity and data privacy update | foodonia

The Internet of Stranger Things came to life in the recent case of a cuddly connected toy, raising wider and deeper questions about cybersecurity, privacy, and the future of digital technology.

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Yahoo CEO forgoes annual bonus, worth millions, over security breaches | foodonia

Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer has missed out on $2m from her annual bonus due to her management of security breaches affecting billions of users.

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Bletchley Park: Training the next the generation of cybersecurity codebreakers | foodonia

Bletchley Park, considered to be the birthplace of modern computing, is to train the generation of cybersecurity codebreakers.

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