
Password-stealing security hole discovered in many Netgear routers | foodonia

A security researcher has described how he uncovered a severe security hole in dozens of different Netgear routers, meaning that "hundreds of thousands, if not over a million" devices could be at risk of having their admin passwords stolen by hackers.

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Cybersecurity: 5 basic lessons for everyone | foodonia

A new way of looking at cybersecurity, no longer viewing it as a goal in itself, but instead something that is directly connected to business needs.

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Security professionals shortage in UK ‘increasing competition among companies for talent’ | foodonia

IT security professionals are at the forefront of the demand from companies across the UK, many of whom have placed greater demand on tech skills.

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Ransomware: Key insights from infosec experts | foodonia

Ransomware is not going anywhere. Here, we've rounded up vital tips and advice from three ESET experts: Lysa Myers, Stephen Cobb and David Harley.

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An introduction to private browsing | foodonia

Privacy and security fears are driving many people to look into the possibilities of private browsing. We investigate what it is and how you stay anonymous online

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Sednit: How this notorious cyberespionage group operates | foodonia

Take a closer look at the cyberespionage group Sednit, which has targeted over 1000 high-profile individuals and organizations with phishing attacks and zero-day exploits.

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Worrying about data privacy isn’t enough: Here’s how to own your online presence | foodonia

ESET's Ondrej Kubovič: "Worrying about privacy isn't enough" - here's how to control your data privacy and online presence.

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PayPal users targeted in sophisticated new phishing campaign | foodonia

Recent phishing scams targeted both Gmail and Yahoo, and now attackers have their sights set on PayPal with some very convincing bait.

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RoT: Ransomware of Things | foodonia

Could the Internet of Things spark the Ransomware of Things? ESET's Stephen Cobb examines how ransomware and jackware are evolving.

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Yahoo faces SEC probe into its two record-breaking data breaches | foodonia

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into whether Yahoo could have been quicker to tell investors about two record-breaking data breaches.

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Lloyds Banking Group hit with distributed denial of service attack | foodonia

Lloyds Banking Group fell victim to an attempted cyberattack earlier this month, which saw cybercriminals attempt to crash the online banking service over a two day period.

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WhatsApp security vulnerability: Messages ‘can be intercepted and read’ | foodonia

A WhatsApp security vulnerability has been identified, meaning third parties may be able to both intercept and read encrypted messages, according to new research.

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Forensic analysis techniques for digital imaging | foodonia

ESET's Miguel Ángel Mendoza looks at a range of forensic analysis techniques that are used to examine digital images.

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UK launches major cybersecurity inquiry | foodonia

The UK parliament has launched an inquiry into its cybersecurity defense measures, describing cyberthreats as a “major security challenge”.

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Windows 10 Anniversary Update: security and privacy, hope and change? | foodonia

With analysts predicting a big shift to Windows 10 in the enterprise in 2017, a new ESET white paper looks at security and privacy changes in Windows 10 Anniversary Update, the build that Microsoft expects its business customers to run on the majority of their desktop computers.

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Amazon Echo and the Alexa dollhouses: security tips and takeaways | foodonia

Tips on securing the Alexa service on Amazon Echo devices, notably voice purchasing, a topic brought into focus by the recent "San Diego dollhouse TV story".

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Cybercriminals ‘should be punished with Wi-Fi jammers’ | foodonia

A senior UK police officer has suggested that offenders of cybercrime should be penalized by being made to wear Wi-Fi jammers rather than being sent to prison.

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Security scare over hackable heart implants | foodonia

A US government probe into claims that certain heart implants are vulnerable to hacking attacks, has resulted in emergency security patches being issued for devices that cardiac patients have in their homes.

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FTC IoT privacy and security push points out D-Link router and webcam flaws | foodonia

The US Federal Trade Commission has again acted on its serious concerns about data privacy and security in the Internet of Things (IoT). This time D-Link webcams and routers are the focus. Stephen Cobb puts this latest FTC move in context.

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Children in a digital world ‘need lessons in online safety’ | foodonia

More needs to be done to better equip children for life in a digital world, according to a new report from England’s children’s commissioner.

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KillDisk now targeting Linux: Demands $250K ransom, but can’t decrypt | foodonia

ESET has discovered a Linux variant of the KillDisk component that renders Linux machines unbootable, while encrypting files and requesting a large ransom at the same time.

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Windows exploitation in 2016 | foodonia

We are pleased to present our annual report Windows exploitation in 2016. In this latest version of our report, we offer a fresh look at modern security features in Windows 10.

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Federal Trade Commission launches $250,000 IoT security competition | foodonia

The Federal Trade Commission have launched a competition to encourage the public to devise a technical solution to protect IoT devices from security threats.

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