
Year-end cybercrime update 2016: an avalanche of good news? | foodonia

Highlighting 20 success stories in the struggle against cybercrime, from indictments to arrests, extraditions to sentencing. Law enforcement efforts in cyberspace may have borne more fruit in 2016 than in any other year.

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What is cyberbullying and how to defend against it? | foodonia

Cyberbullying has come to be a huge problem on the internet. Here are some important things to be aware of.

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New Linux/Rakos threat: devices and servers under SSH scan (again) | foodonia

ESET's Peter Kálnai and Michal Malik report on a new Linux/Rakos threat - devices and servers are under SSH scan again.

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NCSC boss asked to detail efforts to protect financial services sector against cyberattacks | foodonia

The head of the UK’s NCSC has been asked to offer more detail into how the financial services sector will be protected from cyberattacks.

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ESET Trends for 2017: Holding security ransom | foodonia

ESET’s Trends for 2017: Security Held Ransom report includes a review of the most important events of last year and outlines trends in cybercriminal activity and cyberthreats for 2016.

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Yahoo data breach: What you can do | foodonia

Yahoo has announced that one billion of its user accounts has been affected by a data breach. ESET's Mark James offers some informative security advice.

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Yahoo experiences biggest data breach in history: 1 billion affected | foodonia

Yahoo has experienced the biggest data breach in history, with up to one billion user accounts thought to have been affected by a historic security incident.

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The rise of TeleBots: Analyzing disruptive KillDisk attacks | foodonia

ESET's Anton Cherepanov analyzes the work of TeleBots, a malicious toolset that was used in focused cyberattacks against targets in Ukraine's financial sector.

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US-CERT warns Netgear routers can be easily exploited | foodonia

It has not been a good year for the internet of things, security-wise.

The latest IoT devices found vulnerable to trivial exploitation? Netgear routers.

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Distributed Guessing Attack can ‘compromise Visa cards in just six seconds’ | foodonia

A new study from Newcastle University in the UK suggests that cybercriminals can access online banking details of any Visa card through a so-called Distributed Guessing Attack.

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Security by design for mobile device manufacturers | foodonia

ESET's Cameron Camp takes a closer look at security by design for mobile device manufacturers, assessing where we are and where we are heading.

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Hacking is legal again finally (sometimes) | foodonia

Go ahead and hack your car, that’s fine now. Go ahead and hack the Department of Defense, that’s okay too under new policies. It wasn't always this way.

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Dailymotion hacked, millions of user accounts exposed | foodonia

Users are warned to be on the look out for spam emails and reminded to never re-use passwords, as popular video-watching site suffers a data breach.

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Stegano exploit kit poisoning pixels | foodonia

Visiting popular websites and getting infected without any interaction? ESET explains how the stealthy Stegano exploit kit, hiding in the pixels of malicious ads, is capable of performing this dirty job.

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Readers of popular websites targeted by stealthy Stegano exploit kit hiding in pixels of malicious ads | foodonia

Millions of readers who visit popular news websites have been targeted by a series of malicious ads redirecting them to the Stegano exploit kit.

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Indirect damage: Why service providers should care about customer security | foodonia

2016 witnessed the further spread of the disease we call ransomware. However, it's not the only cyberthreat that service providers must face today.

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Dorkbot: Life after disruption | foodonia

A year ago on 2nd December 2015, a collaboration between major cybersecurity firms, law enforcement and software providers – including ESET and Microsoft – successfully managed to disrupt Dorkbot, a malware family that had been infiltrating systems worldwide for over four years. Since its detection in April 2011, Dorkbot had caused numerous problems for businesses

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