
Ransomware is everywhere, but even black hats make mistakes | foodonia

Ransomware is everywhere. At least that might be the impression left by a seemingly endless stream of news reports on recent cyberattacks, reports ESET's Ondrej Kubovič.

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Say goodbye to cyber stresses in the workplace | foodonia

On World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we’ve put together a brief guide on potential cyber stresses to avoid in the workplace.

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Malware found at a German nuclear power plant | foodonia

Malware has been found on a computer at Gundremmingen nuclear power plant in Germany, it has been revealed. It is not considered a threat as the infected computer is not connected to the internet.

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Malware ‘used as part of a wider toolkit’ in Bangladesh Bank attack | foodonia

Malware used by cybercriminals to carry out one of the biggest cyberheists in history is thought to have been “part of a wider attack toolkit”, according to a BAE Systems’ security researcher.

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The perimeter is everywhere (so where is your data really?) | foodonia

It’s hard to protect what you don’t understand. It’s also hard to protect data if you don’t know where it is. ESET's Cameron Camp looks explores the challenges of data security.

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Companies fear data breaches caused by compromised credentials | foodonia

Two thirds of security professionals rate the risk of a future data breach, due to compromised credentials, as medium or high.

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Ransomware and the Internet of Things | foodonia

A report from the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology warns that ransomware could be hitting more than just your regular computer in future...

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Data privacy and data protection: US law and legislation white paper | foodonia

This white paper on data privacy and data protection law and legislation in the US should prove to be a handy reference during ongoing privacy debates.

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Dorkbot: 5 years since detection | foodonia

In the half-decade that has lapsed since Dorbot was first identified, millions of innocent victims, going about their everyday business, have been affected in over 190 countries. It has, quite literally, wormed its malicious way into computer systems throughout the world.

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Buildings at risk of cyberattacks | foodonia

Buildings are increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks, with the Internet of Things presenting cybercriminals with new opportunities to exploit.

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AI and humans successfully ‘predict most cyberattacks’ | foodonia

Researchers from MIT’s CSAIL have developed an artificial intelligence platform that can ‘predict 85% of cyberattacks’ so long as it benefits from human input.

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The security review: Facebook scam, webcam security & Qbot | foodonia

Welcome to this week’s security review, which includes a detailed look at a new video scam sweeping Facebook and the return of a data-stealing malware dubbed Qbot.

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Cybersecurity checkup: New Ponemon study reveals how healthcare sector is doing | foodonia

How secure is the healthcare ecosystem? Following a recent spate of breaches in the sector, we set out to determine the state of its cybersecurity.

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Qbot returns: New strain of data-stealing malware detected | foodonia

Security researchers have detected a new, updated strain of the data-stealing trojan Qbot that is “harder to detect and intercept”.

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Medical data breach leads to a record cash settlement | foodonia

California hospital pays the largest sum per plaintiff in history for its inability to secure the patients’ medical data.

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FDIC suffers ‘inadvertent’ data breach affecting 44,000 customers | foodonia

The personal information of 44,000 FDIC customers has been breached by a former employee, who left the agency carrying the data on a personal storage device.

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Windows XP: The zombie OS ‘lives’ on | foodonia

Despite the fact that there haven’t been any security updates or patches rolled out for Windows XP – with some industrial solutions being the exception – the system still runs on almost every tenth computer worldwide.

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50 million Turkish citizens could be exposed in massive data breach | foodonia

More than half of the Turkish population could have their personal details exposed in a massive new data breach.

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Mumblehard takedown ends army of Linux servers from spamming | foodonia

One year after the release of the technical analysis of the Mumblehard Linux botnet, it is no longer active. ESET, in collaboration with the Cyber Police of Ukraine and CyS Centrum LLC, have taken down the botnet, stopping its spamming activities.

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Introducing Metaphor: Another Android Stagefright exploit | foodonia

Researchers in Israel have come across a new way of exploiting the Stagefright vulnerability that was uncovered last year, and which affects the library that Android uses to analyze multimedia files.

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US and Canada issue ransomware alert | foodonia

A ransomware alert has been issued by the US and Canada to ensure that individuals and organizations are aware of the threat posed by this type of malicious software.

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The security review: Remaiten, Trident and World Backup Day | foodonia

Highlights from the past seven days in information security include insight into Remaiten, the Trident cybersecurity update and the value of backing up your data.

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Analysis of the Locky infection process | foodonia

In recent months, there has been a significant increase in the number of networks and users affected by ransomware known as Locky, discusses ESET's Diego Perez.

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