
5 million VTech customers affected by major data breach | foodonia

VTech announced that its Learning Lodge website was attacked by cybercriminals, affecting up to five million customers.

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Different nations’ online banking habits: better safe than sorry? | foodonia

When it comes to online banking, the UK and the US leads the way with security – over 70% of Brits and Americans have software installed on their device.

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The security review: Biometrics, Dridex in Europe and online payments | foodonia

From biometrics to Dridex in Europe and a fascinating insight into how different nations pay for things online - this week's security review is a busy one.

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Online banking on-the-move? For most it’s a no-go | foodonia

What environment do you consider the safest for online banking? Would you make your financial transactions solely in the safety of your own home, or would you be less concerned about security on-the-go or in the office?

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Is the UK’s Trident nuclear program at risk from cyberattack? | foodonia

Former British defence secretary Des Brown called on the British Prime Minister to hold an ‘end-to-end assessment’ of the Trident nuclear program’s cybersecurity, or risk potential weaknesses in the system.

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Online payment trends: Credit cards for Americans, PayPal for Europeans | foodonia

According to a new survey from ESET, the Europeans are leading the way with the online payment methods. Americans meanwhile prefer traditional alternatives.

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Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service | foodonia

British police arrested a man and a woman earlier this week, suspected of operating a website which offered services to online criminals which could help them evade detection by anti-virus software.

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Top ‘tips’ on how to survive Black Friday | foodonia

Follow these top 'tips' if you're looking to strike it lucky in a shopping mall on Black Friday. Or, if you're opting for 21st century convenience, then please be cyber-aware when shopping online.

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New Dridex campaign achieves high infection ratio in European countries | foodonia

When discussing banking trojans these days, Dridex is the one that everybody seems to be talking about the most. This trojan has inherited the popularity of the ancient Zeus trojan and is one of the biggest threats that we can find right now, in constant evolution to become more efficient.

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You are 6 security steps away from Black Friday brilliance | foodonia

Black Friday and Cyber Monday promise to offer some fantastic deals at low prices. But it’s also a time of year when cybercriminal scams are aplenty. Here’s what you should do to do to shop safely.

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Dell root certificate vulnerability leaves users open to attack | foodonia

Dell has confirmed that a root certificate vulnerability that is present on some of its laptops and computers, means they can be exploited by cybercriminals.

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Is biometrics the future of secure payments? | foodonia

Is the idea of biometrics as a secure payment system a fad, fiction or fact? This feature looks at whether DNA is linked with our digital identity.

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UK Cyber Security Academy will boost cyberattack resilience | foodonia

The newly launched Cyber Security Academy in the UK will deliver comprehensive solutions and insight to all types of sophisticated cyberattacks.

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The security review: Virtualization, diversity and encryption | foodonia

Get up-to-date with the latest happenings in information security with our review of the past week.

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Birds of a feather code together | foodonia

Lysa Myers, a security researcher at ESET, looks at the diversity challenges and opportunities in information security - while there is much to be done, there's a lot to be optimistic about she says.

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Instagram’s new API policy toughens access to its feed | foodonia

Instagram's new API policy makes it a lot harder for third party apps to gain access to its feed. News of this comes on the back of a malicious app harvesting its user’s details.

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Fighting talk from Great Britain as it says it will hit back against internet attacks | foodonia

British chancellor George Osborne has warned about the spectre of online terrorists attacking national infrastructure, and made some rather bold pronouncements about the UK's willingness to engage in cyberwarfare to defend itself.

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UK commits to new National Cyber Centre in 2016 | foodonia

The UK’s chancellor, George Osborne, has revealed that a new National Cyber Centre will be developed in 2016, helping the UK deliver a robust and centralized response to this growing threat.

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Jail for British DDoS attacker, who said too much on Twitter | foodonia

Although it's far from always possible to determine the perpetrators of a denial-of-service attack and bring them to justice, there are plenty of people who have been put behind bars because of this modern-day crime.

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Reclaim privacy with operational security says Snowden | foodonia

Edward Snowden has been offering advice on operational security to ordinary people, advocating, among other things, two-factor authentication and encryption.

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7 things you need to know about car hacking | foodonia

Car hacking may sound like something out of the latest Die Hard or James Bond film, but it’s newsworthy, real and likely to happen much more regularly in the future. We look at the top facts you need to know about this emerging trend.

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Why continuous vulnerability assessments are necessary | foodonia

The search for an ideal state of security should be a constant pursuit. Continuous vulnerability assessments are therefore a highly recommended practice.

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Child safety in the digital age | foodonia

Child safety in the 21st century is no longer about so-called real world concerns. In a digital age, parents now need to be aware of the risks that also exist online. Here are a few things to consider.

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FastMail the latest victim of a sustained DDoS offensive | foodonia

The premium email provider FastMail has revealed that a cybercriminal has launched multiple DDoS attacks on its systems and made a ransom demand.

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Operation Buhtrap malware distributed via ammyy.com | foodonia

ESET noticed in late October that users visiting the Ammyy website to download the free version of its remote administrator software were being served a bundle containing not only the legitimate Remote Desktop Software Ammyy Admin, but also an NSIS installer ultimately intended to install the tools used by the Buhtrap gang to spy on and control their victims’ computers.

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TalkTalk braces itself for a huge cyberattack bill of £35 million | foodonia

The cost of last month’s cyberattack on TalkTalk is likely to top £35 million, the company’s CEO, Dido Harding, has admitted in an interview.

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Comcast resets customer account details | foodonia

Comcast resets customer account details after it found out that information was being sold on the dark web.

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US man jailed for attempting to hire cybercriminal to wipe fines | foodonia

A US man who posted an advert on Craigslist requesting the services of a cybercriminal has been handed a two-year prison sentence. He wanted fines he owed to be wiped clean.

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Industry 4.0 – the challenges in IT-Security | foodonia

Time after time we have experienced revolutions in our societies, in the way we work and thus in the Industry. In the past we have been through several Industrial Revolutions and now it’s seems to be the time for another.

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Cybersecurity research boost for medical devices | foodonia

A Texas university is to research cybersecurity solutions to vulnerabilities in medical devices, boosted by a major grant from the National Science Foundation.

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The week in security | foodonia

Welcome to our new weekly round-up, offering you a recap of the biggest stories, opinion pieces and reports from the world of information security from the past seven days.

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