
8 security tips for gamers: go play with no worries! | foodonia

It is possible to enjoy videogames by applying practical security measures that will keep us safe. In this article, we look at 8 security tips.

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iOS vulnerability Ins0mnia fixed by Apple | foodonia

Apple has resolved a serious security vulnerability known as Ins0mnia in its latest update.

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LizardStresser: Six people arrested in connection with Lizard Squad’s DDoS attack tool | foodonia

British police have today announced the arrest of six people in connection with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that attempted to bring down websites belonging to – amongst others – a national newspaper, a school and a number of online retailers.

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Support Scams, Malware and Mindgames without Frontiers | foodonia

Introduction It might not have escaped your notice that I write quite a lot about support scams, an issue in which most commentators in the security industry take only sporadic interest and tend to regard as of only niche interest. (As when a scammer is damaging their brand or product in some way, for instance

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Dolphin and Mercury Android browsers have major vulnerabilities | foodonia

Dolphin and Mercury Android browsers have major vulnerabilities, allowing for remote code execution and arbitrary reading and writing of files.

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An Ashley Madison response plan: does your company have one? | foodonia

The Ashley Madison data breach has created fresh cybersecurity threats for all organizations. A company response plan is needed. Here's what you need to know.

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Revolutionary Windows 95 turns 20 | foodonia

1995 was a landmark year for technology, the internet and home computing. We can thank Windows 95 for a lot of the perks we find ourselves with today.

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FTC can punish organisations with poor cybersecurity | foodonia

FTC has the authority to hold organisations to account for failing to deliver tough cybersecurity measures.

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Make password into a story and more parental hacks | foodonia

It’s important to ensure your child's data and devices are secure at school and at home. Check out our to back to school digital security guide.

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How to nurture your child’s security genius | foodonia

Is your child an internet security genius? If cybersecurity is their thing and you think it could be their future livelihood, here’s what you can do to harness that potential for a career that is exciting and financially lucrative. Sign up for free online courses Signing up for the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) course

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Ambiguous new Windows 10 update ‘improves functionality’ | foodonia

The new Windows 10 update doesn’t offer any detail as to what it fixes or improves, leaving many to question why the tech giant has been so vague.

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Bundestag computer system goes offline | foodonia

The computer system in the Bundestag is now offline, to allow technicians to perform essential maintenance work.

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Parents ‘worry’ about the online safety of their children | foodonia

The internet is arguably the new frontier for communication, collaboration and business but, with criminals also using it for ill-gotten gains, it does have its bad parts too. And this is making life difficult for parents struggling to keep up with their child’s technology obsession. In bygone eras, parents’ concerns over their children were relatively

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Web.com experiences data breach | foodonia

Web.com reveals that was the victim of a data breach this month, which affected up to 93,000 of its customers.

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Back to university: cybersecurity now a major concern in higher education | foodonia

Cybersecurity in higher education was top of mind and top of the agenda at the latest Campus Technology conference, in Boston.

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Impact Team releases stolen Ashley Madison data online | foodonia

The Impact Team have released stolen Ashley Madison data on the dark web, which includes personal information belonging to 37 million users of the website.

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MumsNet hit by hack, DDoS attack and SWAT | foodonia

Mumsnet, the phenomenally popular British parenting website, has suffered an attack from hackers which has seen users' accounts breached, and passwords stolen. And the damage doesn't end there...

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Car security vulnerability study finally sees light of day | foodonia

A major security vulnerability study into modern cars has finally been released, two years after it was originally intended to be published.

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Back to school: 5 challenges that parents and teachers face in IT security | foodonia

With children gradually going back to school in Latin American regions, it’s time to remind our children of the importance of IT security.

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Phishing unravelled | foodonia

Phishing may well be one of the oldest online scams in the world, but it’s also one of the most effective and commonly deployed. Here’s what to be aware of.

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IRS data breach more severe than originally thought | foodonia

IRS admits that the data breach it experienced in May is far bigger than previously thought.

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NICE news about the cybersecurity skills shortage (and a call for papers) | foodonia

The cybersecurity skills gap is a security problem and in the US the National Initiative For Cybersecurity Education (NICE) is seeking to reduce that gap.

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Apple releases major security updates | foodonia

Significant issues evident in Apple products have been patched with a raft of new updates.

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Are you still vulnerable to Stagefright? Get your Android device checked | foodonia

Security Researcher Joshua Drake has published about a vulnerability in the heart of Android that could allow attackers to steal information from Android devices through remotely execute code via a crafted MMS. Potentially 95% of Android devices should be vulnerable. Have you checked yours?

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Signatures, product testing, and the lingering death of AV | foodonia

Is it time to revalue the role of anti-malware? Maybe, but uninformed or intentionally misleading mutterings about signatures are not where to start.

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Facebook data security loophole ‘needs to be fixed’ | foodonia

A data security loophole discovered in Facebook needs to be fixed, according to a software engineer.

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6 child geniuses destined for a career in cybersecurity | foodonia

There is a huge shortage of skilled professionals in cybersecurity. We take a look at six young geniuses who may be the future of the industry.

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Firefox Under Fire: Anatomy of latest 0-day attack | foodonia

The recent Firefox attacks are an example of active in-the-wild exploitation of a serious software vulnerability.

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Glasses that ‘block’ facial recognition technology to launch in 2016 | foodonia

Glasses that are capable of blocking facial recognition technology are to go on sale in Japan next year.

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ICO investigating major data breach at Carphone Warehouse in the UK | foodonia

The Information Commissioner's Office is “making enquiries” into a major data breach at Carphone Warehouse in the UK.

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DEF CON – Upgrading your mom’s basement | foodonia

If Black Hat is becoming the new RSA, then DEF CON is oozing toward Black Hat, it seems, and B-Sides is the new DEF CON. This year it got some Ikea furniture to spruce up its mom’s basement. Not totally commercial, but definitely more – first apartment folding furniture – chic; the basement just got upgraded.

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Universal remote can ‘hack into any car’ | foodonia

A hacker has developed a device that is capable of hacking into most modern cars by bypassing the rolling code security system.

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Black Hat 2015 – Threats Hit the Road | foodonia

This year at Black Hat, the focus was as much on hacking the intersections of data as on a specific computer platform.

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20,000 NHS Wales PCs still running Windows XP from beyond the grave | foodonia

An alarming number of computers in the Welsh National Health Service (NHS) are running Windows XP.

Is that really an appropriate level of security for computers that could be holding patients' medical information?

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How’s Black Hat in 2015? It grows up (and leaves mom’s basement) | foodonia

Blackhat grew! Not only did the hacker types leave their mom’s basement and get jobs, some even were forced to start explaining security to the CEO. A few succeeded in this new role, but enough to convince the execs that if something bad happens in IT, it happens to the execs shortly thereafter.

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Windows 10, Privacy 0? ESET dives into the privacy of Microsoft’s new OS | foodonia

Windows 10 offers more personalisation and integration than ever before. We take a look at the privacy implications of this.

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WordPress releases latest update with 4.2.4 | foodonia

Wordpress has announced its latest update, urging all users to download version 4.2.4 immediately.

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Terracotta VPN network helps hackers remain anonymous | foodonia

Hackers are using a commercially available VPN network in China to obscure the origin source of their activities.

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Lightbulb moment: Why the Internet of Things is a security watershed | foodonia

Senior research fellow Righard J. Zwienenberg on why the Internet of Things could be *the* key security issue for the foreseeable future.

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What is the core idea behind applying ISO 27001? | foodonia

This article looks at the core idea behind applying ISO 27001.

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