
Cybersecurity and manufacturers: what the costly Chrysler Jeep hack reveals | foodonia

As the cost of fixing security mistakes in Jeep Chrysler Dodge vehicles mounts, so does the need for manufacturers to weigh cybersecurity risks in the product development process, alongside features and benefits.

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Cybersecurity is increasingly a ‘board-level’ issue, finds report | foodonia

The majority of managers believe that IT risk management data genuinely influences board decisions, according to Gartner.

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‘Keystroke Biometrics’ exploit defeats Tor privacy | foodonia

Security researchers have created a practical privacy attack out of a well-known theory around user behaviour. The attack appears to defeat privacy measures such as Tor.

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Moonpig warns of password breach – but it may be more than their users who are at risk | foodonia

Moonpig, the online personalised card company, has blocked the accounts of an unspecified number of customers after users' details were published online.

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How to shop online safely during the summer sales | foodonia

The summer sales are upon us and there are plenty of good deals to be had online, but internet shopping is not without its dangers.

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Valve Steam bug sees accounts hacked | foodonia

A serious bug in Valve’s Steam engine has allowed a series of user credentials to be stolen over the past week, according to reports.

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Accidental pocket dials can be used in evidence, says US court | foodonia

Accidental ‘pocket dials’ are now admissible in evidence against you, the US Appeals court has ruled.

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Cybercrime update: take downs, arrests, convictions, and sentences | foodonia

Information security could use some good news right now, something to offset the string of bad news about data breaches and system vulnerabilities; so how about this: "Cyber Criminal Forum Taken Down, Members Arrested in 20 Countries".

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Open SSH bug opens brute force attack window | foodonia

A newly disclosed bug in widely-used OpenSSH software allows attackers to make thousands of password guesses in a short space of time.

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Porn clicker keeps infecting apps on Google Play | foodonia

A recently identified trojan porn clicker is still infecting apps on Google Play.

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Support Scammers and Self-Justification | foodonia

Support scammers: old twisters, new twists, and scammer psychology.

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Tech giants take action on ad click fraud | foodonia

Some of the biggest digital companies have banded together to take action on the rising tide of ad click fraud.

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Hackers demo Jeep security hack | foodonia

Hackers have demonstrated an exploit that can take remote control of a Jeep, to the extent of cutting the transmission and controlling the throttle.

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11 security mistakes you probably keep on making | foodonia

When it comes to data security, hackers continue to exploit the biggest weakness – people. So, what are the top security mistakes we keep making?

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Dozens arrested in international Darkode crackdown | foodonia

International law enforcement agencies have arrested more than 60 people suspected of carrying out cybercrime associated with the Darkode forum.

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5 ways attackers are targeting gamers | foodonia

Gamers beware – video games, websites and even apps are all in the sights of hackers hungry for better scores, more money and public notoriety.

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Spoofed URLs: Homograph Attacks Revisited | foodonia

How homograph attacks can present a spoofed, malicious link, and a case where a secure connection doesn't guarantee a safe site.

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What is an exploit? | foodonia

Cybercriminals constantly use vulnerabilities to infiltrate networks, and their favorite tools for this are known as exploits. But what is an exploit?

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Cheap wifi privacy device pulled with no explanation | foodonia

A planned Defcon talk around a low-cost privacy device called ProxyHam has been cancelled.

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Operation Liberpy: Keyloggers and information theft in Latin America | foodonia

In April, ESET’s Laboratory in Latin America received a report on an executable program named "Liberty2-0.exe." Now, it asks is there a version 1.0?

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Tour de France leader Chris Froome has had his data hacked, claims Team Sky | foodonia

Yellow Jersey wearer targeted by critics who claim he has been using performance-enhancing drugs.

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Millions of records lost in huge OPM US data breach | foodonia

The US Office of Personnel Management has admitted that the widely-publicised data breach in June was more wide-reaching than at first thought.

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Sednit APT Group Meets Hacking Team | foodonia

The infamous Sednit espionage group is currently using the Hacking Team exploits disclosed earlier this week to target eastern European institutions.

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Aspiring singer jailed for hacking Madonna and stealing unreleased tracks | foodonia

Breaking into the music business is one thing. Breaking into Madonna's computer without permission is quite another.

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T-Mobile received the most US data requisition requests | foodonia

Telco T-Mobile’s US arm received more data requests than its larger peers in 2014.

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Open SSL mystery bug to be fixed Thursday July 9 | foodonia

A new version of Open SSL is set to be released imminently, patching a single ‘high severity’ vulnerability.

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What I learned at Cyber Boot Camp (Instructor Edition) | foodonia

One reason cybercrime is on the rise is a lack of “capable guardians”, people with the appropriate skills and personal ethics to defend networks against attack. Last week, I participated in a program that aims to develop the skills, mindset, and moral code required defend networks against criminal abuse: Cyber Boot Camp. A joint project of

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North America is running out of IPv4 addresses | foodonia

The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) is no longer able to issue IPv4 addresses, activating an 'unmet requests' policy for the first time,

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Mastercard trials selfies as password replacement | foodonia

A new app could see Mastercard accepting selfies instead of passwords to make purchases online.

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433,000 Ford cars to be recalled because of software bug – would you have preferred an internet update? | foodonia

Cars which are capable of receiving instructions via the internet (such as software updates) are potentially more at risk of being hacked or meddled with than those which don't.

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