
How do you recover from a hack? | foodonia

Recent high-profile data breaches have illustrated criminals’ insatiable appetite for data and financial reward. If you do get hacked, then, here's how to recover.

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New iPhone update blocks apps from seeing other apps you’ve installed | foodonia

Apple will reportedly introduce a new privacy update for the iPhone that will prevent installed iOS apps from seeing which other apps have been downloaded to the device.

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Spiceworks application vulnerability disclosed | foodonia

A serious flaw has been discovered in the Spiceworks application, which creates an admin account for anyone logging in using their Facebook or LinkedIn details.

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How to steal PGP encryption keys (using radio waves and pita bread) | foodonia

An ingenious team of Israeli security researchers at Tel Aviv University have discovered a way to steal secret encryption keys using a gadget so small it can be hidden inside some pita bread.

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The role of proxies and protocols in malware investigations | foodonia

What is a proxy and what types of proxies exist? What protocol are used in the anonymization process? How does anonymity help with malware investigations?

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Minor Chrome release fixes serious bugs | foodonia

Google has updated the Chrome browser to version 43.0.2357.130 for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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Cyber Boot Camp: a head start for tomorrow’s cyber workforce | foodonia

Every June, a select group of students from high schools and middle schools in San Diego County, California, get five days of intense education in the art of defending computer systems.

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Apple iOS and OS X flaws leave passwords vulnerable | foodonia

A vulnerability found in Apple's iOS and OS X devices could allow hackers to upload malware and steal passwords for services including Mail and iCloud

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Must-know security tips for non-technical fathers | foodonia

Few people’s idea of a relaxing Father's Day involves getting to grips with IT security, but scammers typically target the holidays to catch out consumers.

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DuckDuckGo traffic up after Apple integration and privacy scares | foodonia

Privacy search engine DuckDuckGo has seen traffic rocket after recent widely publicised privacy scares, according the the company.

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UK Consumers willing to share DNA with banks to secure identity | foodonia

Consumers in the UK would be happy to share their DNA if it would help secure their financial and personal information, according to a new report.

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Top US baseball team accused of hacking rival | foodonia

The St. Louis Cardinals, one the United States's top major league baseball teams, is being investigated for allegedly hacking into the computer systems of sporting rivals.

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New exploit compromises Samsung Galaxy phones | foodonia

Potentially 600m Samsung Galaxy phones are at risk of malicious compromise after a new exploit was discovered by a security researcher.

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EU data protection regulation overhaul inches closer | foodonia

The 28 EU member states have taken a significant step towards a historic overhaul of EU-wide data protection laws, first proposed three years ago.

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Password security firm LastPass compromised | foodonia

Popular online password vault provider LastPass has warned users to update their master account passwords after their network was hacked.

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A beginner’s guide to starting in InfoSec | foodonia

Much ink has been spilt about the shortage of people trained in information security – especially the lack of women in the industry. Lysa Myers discusses.

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FBI trace celebrity iCloud hacks to Chicago home | foodonia

The FBI has seized a computer, cellphones and storage devices belonging to a Chicago man thought to be responsible for last year's iCloud hacks.

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Europol shuts down cybercrime ring with 49 arrests | foodonia

Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre has arrested 49 suspects in a joint international operation targeting the takedown of a major cybercrime ring, reports Tripwire. The Cybercrime group is said to have had members across Europe, including in Italy, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Georgia and the UK. The suspects are believed to have breached corporate email accounts to commit financial

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Credit Unions and the Data Security Act of 2015 | foodonia

Credit Unions lost a lot of money due to recent breaches, so financial institutions are eager to see merchants held to higher standards for data security.

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OpenSesame: Hacked kids’ toy could open garage doors | foodonia

Garage doors may be vulnerable to being opened remotely by hackers using little more than a children's toy, a security researcher has proven this week.

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4 million government employees’ personal data stolen in OPM hack | foodonia

Four million federal employees have had their personal data stolen from the Office of Personnel Management, according to a statement on its website.

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What is Cyber Insurance? | foodonia

What is cyber insurance, and is it worth considering to protect your business?

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Cybercrime Justice? | foodonia

The fight against cybercrime could use some superheroes, but who would do a better job: Batman or Superman?

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Could brainwaves replace the password? | foodonia

As biometrics become more popular, the password is increasingly losing ground to new alternatives. So, are Brainwaves the next big thing biometrics?

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(More) Confessions of a Support Scammer | foodonia

David Harley examines the latest confessions of a support scammer to appear on the web, this time from a Reddit Q&A.

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Cost of UK cybersecurity breaches double, government commissioned survey finds | foodonia

The average 'low-end' cost of a major cybersecurity breach has more than doubled from £600,000 (~$917,000) to £1.46 million (~$2.2 million) in the last year.

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56 million login credentials at risk from app vulnerability | foodonia

As many as 56 million login credentials may be at risk because of cloud services used incorrectly by app developers, according to new research from the University of Darmstadt.

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Is your GoPro camera secretly spying on you? | foodonia

Poor choices of passwords can lead to your privacy being breached.

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How goes the switch to Chip & Signature cards in the US? | foodonia

With the deadline for the switchover now just months away, how are vendors doing? Have they begun the conversion already, or will they likely be scrambling at the last minute?

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