
Accident Scam Waiting to Happen | foodonia

Beware of that accident scam call or text: losing money isn't the only risk.

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Smart technology could give hackers key to the city | foodonia

The adoption of smart technology to power city services could leave urban areas "wide open" to being hacked on a mass scale, says a cybersecurity expert.

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IDS, Firewall and Antivirus: what you need to have installed? | foodonia

What's the difference between IDS, firewalls and antivirus? This guide should explain how they complement each other in a balanced security setup.

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Hand implant chip lets hacker attack Android phones via NFC | foodonia

A security expert has had a computer chip designed for tracking cows implanted into his hand by an 'unlicensed amateur' to hack phones from underneath the skin, reports Gizmodo.

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Interop: interconnecting everything post-PC | foodonia

Reporting from Interop 2015, Las Vegas, where it's all about the connectivity and the massive leaps forward in network capacity and speed, but security concerns are also in the mix.

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OFAC! An acronym that cybersecurity professionals need to know | foodonia

Heads up! the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury will soon be enforcing economic and trade sanctions against individuals and groups outside the United States that use cyber attacks to threaten U.S. foreign policy, national security or economic stability.

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The curious case of the ex-hacker “banned from the internet” | foodonia

What kind of punishment best fits a convicted hacker? Jail time for serious computer crimes is almost a certainty, but for one ex-hacker, Higinio Ochoa, the terms of his parole also include being "banned from the internet".

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Zero-day lets hackers hijack WordPress through rogue comments | foodonia

A vulnerability in the WordPress blogging platform has been uncovered which allows hackers to hijack websites with a comment containing malicious JavaScript, The Hill reveals.

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WattsUpDoc: US hospitals trial AC power probes to treat medical malware | foodonia

Two major hospitals in the United States are trialling a new system for detecting malware on medical devices, using probes that monitor AC power consumption to detect infections.

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Thirty Meter Telescope website falls over in hacktivist DDoS attack | foodonia

Hacktivists have launched a distributed denial-of-service attack against the website of TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope), which is planned to be the Northern hemisphere's largest, most advanced optical telescope.

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RSA Conference 2015: too much technology and not enough people? | foodonia

Major themes of the 2015 RSA Conference: the degree to which the deployment of digital devices is outpacing our ability to deploy humans with the the necessary skills and knowledge needed to secure data and systems.

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Point-of-Sale vendor has used the same admin password for 25 years | foodonia

A major vendor of point-of-sale terminals has not changed the default passwords used on its devices in a quarter of a century, researchers have revealed at RSA 2015.

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Hack on the track: Signaling flaw leaves UK trains vulnerable | foodonia

UK train services could be vulnerable to being hacked, hijacked and crashed, due to the trial of new digital signaling system designed to make lines safer.

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RSA 2015, the year security goes mainstream | foodonia

What were the major themes of RSA 2015? Cameron Camp gives his verdict

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Hacker could serve longer jail sentence than the rapists he exposed | foodonia

A 26-year-old hacker who helped expose the rape of a teenage girl could spend five times longer in jail than the perpetrators he outed.

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Samsung Galaxy S5 could be open to fingerprint theft | foodonia

The Samsung Galaxy S5 and other 'unnamed Android devices' are vulnerable to having the fingerprints they use for authentication cloned by hackers, reports Gizmodo.

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Ransomware: Should you pay the cybercriminals? | foodonia

If your files are encrypted by ransomware, should you pay the ransom? We examine the options...

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The dirty secrets of webcam-hacking peeping toms and sextortionists | foodonia

Virtually every computer sold today comes with a dirty little secret. It can spy on you. Learn more, and how to protect yourself.

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New malware ‘Punkey’ detected in new point-of-sale attack | foodonia

A new advanced malware program targeting point-of-sale terminals is putting customer credit card details at risk, following a number of similar attacks already this year.

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1,500 iOS apps open to simple man-in-the-middle attacks | foodonia

Around 1,500 apps for iPhone and iPad contain an HTTPS vulnerability making it 'trivial' for hackers to perform man-in-the-middle attacks to steal passwords, bank details and other private information.

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Emails and documents leaked during Sony hack released by WikiLeaks | foodonia

Hundreds and thousands of documents and emails breached during last Christmas' cyberattack on Sony Pictures have been published on WikiLeaks, reports the BBC.

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Minecraft exploit makes it “easy” for hackers to crash servers | foodonia

A security researcher has posted a Minecraft flaw that makes it "easy" for hackers to crash the game's servers.

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Will people always ignore security warnings? | foodonia

How much of people's willingness to ignore security warnings is down to their brains?

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Healthcare security shows little sign of improvement, finds Verizon report | foodonia

Security in the healthcare sector has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons in recent months, and a new report has found that the industry is showing little sign of cleaning up its act.

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How secure is your smartwatch? | foodonia

Last week’s Apple Watch launch has put the spotlight back on the ‘smart’ inter-connected watches that are expected to change how we interact with each other and the internet. But how secure are they?

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Lawyer claims police placed malware on requested external hard drive | foodonia

A lawyer in Arkansas is claiming that police planted three different pieces of malware on an external hard drive in a controversial whistleblower case against the police force, reports 5 News Online.

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Four Mortal Kombat moves cybercriminals use to attack your security | foodonia

Some of the tricks employed by the characters in the Mortal Kombat series aren't a million miles away from those deployed by cybercriminals...

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Dutch government to launch Global Forum on Cyber Expertise | foodonia

The Dutch government is to launch the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, with the intention of capacity building in the fields of cybersecurity, cybercrime, data regulation and e-development.

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Tech Support Scammers with Teeth | foodonia

Some support scammers and their assassination threats may seem dumb, but they're no joke.They can cause serious damage as we discuss it in this article.

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Your identity has already been stolen, ‘Catch Me If You Can’ subject warns US citizens | foodonia

The reformed conman that the 2002 film 'Catch Me If You Can' is based on has told The Times that anyone living in the US or UK has already had their identity stolen.

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Google pulls Chrome screenshot extension, after it leaks personal data | foodonia

A Chrome extension designed for taking and annotating screenshots has been found to be leaking sensitive data from its 1.2 million users.

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ESET Research: Operation Buhtrap | foodonia

The Operation Buhtrap campaign targets a wide range of Russian banks, used several different code signing certificates and implements evasive methods to avoid detection.

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Hackers hide malware in fake game pages hosted on Steam | foodonia

Gamers downloading from Steam should beware of fake game pages, after a spate of clone titles were found on the service hiding harmful malware.

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One hacker per month convicted under UK Computer Misuse Act | foodonia

The Computer Misuse Act has resulted in an average of just one criminal conviction per month for the past 23 years, according to UK Home Office ministers.

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Waski downloader spreads banker Trojan targeting users worldwide | foodonia

If you have recently received an unexpected email with a ZIP file attached, it could be a threat attempting to steal your banking login credentials. Its name is Waski and is detected by ESET as Win32/TrojanDownloader.Waski.

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Kendall Jenner has her Twitter hacked, and rude things are said about Justin Bieber | foodonia

Twitter hackers hit the account of TV reality star Kendall Jenner, posting tweets about her father and Justin Bieber. Kendall Jenner is the latest member of the Kardashian Klan to have suffered at the hands of hackers.

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