
Retailers’ heavy handed fraud prevention leads to loss of sales | foodonia

Online retailers battling with fraud prevention are losing out on genuine sales by treating their customers like criminals, according to a new report by ThreatMetrix.

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Six ways to backup your data | foodonia

Today is World Backup Day, and it goes without saying that backing up data is a thoroughly sensible thing to routinely get into the habit of doing.

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Queen Elizabeth consults with cybersecurity expert over privacy fears | foodonia

Queen Elizabeth has been consulting one of the United Kingdom's most prominent cybersecurity experts, leading to speculation the Royal Family may be seeking protection from hackers and spies.

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ESET’s Mark James on addressing business security employee issues | foodonia

ESET's Mark James on the issues employees have with business security measures, and how to counter the difficulties without compromising safety.

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PoSeidon Malware attacks Point of Sale credit card transactions | foodonia

Point of Sale credit card terminals are under threat from a new malware named PoSeidon, thought to be more dangerous than the Zeus exploit kit that was used to steal millions of card details from Target customers.

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Tinder hack sets heterosexual men up with each other | foodonia

A hacker has discovered that the openness of Tinder's API allowed him to set up unknowing men via a fake female profile they both believed that they were talking to.

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Canada’s “secret hacking tactics” exposed in new report | foodonia

Canada has been using an array of cyberweapons to gather intelligence, spy on other governments and damage adversary infrastructure, says a new report.

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Mobile security: IBM/Ponemon study finds enterprise app security weaknesses | foodonia

Nearly 40 percent of large companies - including a significant number in the Fortune 500 - are not taking necessary precautions to secure the apps that they're providing their customers.

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Twitch backs down on 20-character passwords in wake of hacking | foodonia

Twitch has backed down on its attempts to force stronger password complexity on its site post-hacking, after multiple complaints from its userbase.

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Five hacker movies that got things badly wrong | foodonia

5 hacker movies that got computer security well off the mark.

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Hilton HHonors accounts put at risk of hijacking through simple web flaw | foodonia

Security researchers discovered a vulnerability on the Hilton HHonors website, making it straightforward to hijack any other user's account.

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UK businesses are unprepared for potential data breaches | foodonia

Many UK businesses are unequipped to respond to potential data breaches, according to two new independent reports published this week.

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7 tasks that waste your IT team’s time | foodonia

IT teams' time is always limited, and it doesn't help when other things get in the way. Here's seven things that waste your IT team's time.

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Hacker threatens cyberattacks against Detroit over court decision | foodonia

A hacker going by the name of 'Bitcoin Baron' has issued a threat to the city of Detroit after a Wayne County Circuit Court Judge dismissed a police manslaughter charge.

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The future of security in healthcare: Mobile devices | foodonia

The pressure for businesses to allow their employees to access work resources with their personal mobile devices may be overwhelming. How can healthcare IT and Security staff implement this without giving criminals the keys to the castle?

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Premera Breach: Healthcare businesses in the crosshairs | foodonia

Criminals are targeting medical records because of their value, and as a result, medical breaches are the fastest growing type of breach. What can healthcare businesses do to get themselves out of the crosshairs?

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Dark Purple’s ‘killer USB’ will fry your computer’s circuit board | foodonia

USB drives have been known to carry viruses and malware, but a Russian electronics expert has now created a thumb drive that will literally fry your computer's circuit board with a high voltage surge.

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$40k of bitcoin lost in Coinapult hot wallet hack | foodonia

Coinapult, a long-running bitcoin wallet service, announced on Monday that its hot wallet had been compromised to the tune of 150 coins - around $42,900.

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VPNs illegal in UAE, says Dubai Police | foodonia

A senior official in the Dubai Police force has stated that the use of Virtual Private Networks is illegal across the United Arab Emirates.

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Hacker holds South Korean nuclear plant to ransom | foodonia

A hacker who claims to have stolen sensitive data belonging to South Korea’s nuclear power plants is demanding money to keep the information private.

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BBC website goes offline, but Jeremy Clarkson probably not to blame | foodonia

This weekend, the BBC's website went offline. The first conclusion many people jump to? It must be the work of Anonymous hacktivists angry about the suspension of Jeremy Clarkson. But how likely is that?

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Women in Federal cybersecurity – How did they get their start? | foodonia

While there may still be only a handful of women in Information Security, they can be found in increasing numbers in important, high-profile positions. In this post we look at how three women in Federal cybersecurity got their start.

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Obama administration seeks more power to tackle botnets | foodonia

The Obama administration wants greater power to shut down botnets, responding to the growing threat of cybercrime and increasingly complex, modern techniques.

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British Bank trials heartbeat based authentication | foodonia

A British bank has been trialling a different type of biometrics, allowing their customers to confirm their identity via heartbeat according to the BBC.

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Heimdal blog, 19 Experts, 50+ Security Tips | foodonia

Heimdal asked a range of security experts for their essential security tips. 19 experts (including David Harley) offered over 50 tips.

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Will Windows 10 leave enterprises vulnerable to zero-days? | foodonia

One thing Microsoft has been very public about is Windows 10's new strategy of releasing patches to update the operating system at different times for consumer and enterprise versions.

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The immortality of data (and people) in the digital age | foodonia

In the future, everything around us will be managed by data, and those who have data will have power. So, will anonymity be possible (or desirable)?

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Hackers phish for data with fake Apple Watch giveaway | foodonia

Apple fans keen to get their hands on the Apple Watch are advised to think before they click, after hackers exploited a wave of enthusiasm around the launch with a phishing scam linked to a fake giveaway.

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Google’s Project Zero reveals possible memory leak hack | foodonia

Security researchers have managed to launch an attack on Linux computers by targeting a physical weakness in some types of DDR memory chips, Ars Technica reports.

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Superfish: Lenovo goes on the bloatware offensive | foodonia

Its been just under three weeks since February 19th, when Lenovo became entangled in a web of controversy over its preinstallation of Superfish's Visual Search adware on some of its popular consumer laptops during last year's holiday shopping season.

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The human cost of phone hacking | foodonia

Phone hacking ruined the lives of celebrities, and - in at least one case - almost drove a victim to suicide.

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80 percent of global merchants fail card data security tests | foodonia

Around 80 percent of global merchants including retailers, financial institutions and hospitality firms have failed interim tests which show they are not in compliance with card data security standards.

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Google Admin console email spoofing loophole patched | foodonia

A vulnerability in Google Admin that could have allowed domains to be claimed to send out authentic seeming spoofed emails has been patched by the company, reports The Register.

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US lawmakers want taxi apps to check driver fingerprints | foodonia

Ride-sharing taxi apps Uber, Lyft and Sidecar have been asked by US lawmakers to adopt fingerprint-based background checks for their drivers,

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US military looks to 3,000 new security hires by 2016 | foodonia

The United States' military is looking to hire 3,000 cybersecurity professionals to man its infosec unit over the next nine months.

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Operating System Vulnerabilities, Exploits and Insecurity | foodonia

iOS and OS X the most vulnerable operating systems? Don't confuse vulnerabilities with exploits, or patch frequency with insecurity.

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