
League of Legends Bug Bounty Scheme has awarded over $100k | foodonia

Riot Games, the creator of League of Legends, has paid out over $100,000 to security researchers poring over the game looking for exploits, hacks and bugs, Security Week reports.

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Healthcare security needs investment to stave off cyberattacks, says report | foodonia

A new report from IDC Health Insights claims that healthcare firms need to invest to ensure protections from cyberattacks, according to the Computing website.

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Infographic: Cyber Monday – Everything you need to know | foodonia

Cyber Monday is one of the biggest shopping days in the year, and in 2013 a massive $2.3bn was spent on shoppers getting their Christmas bargains in. Where this kind of money is flowing, cybercriminals are also around though, as this infographic shows.

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News websites hacked with ‘Syrian Electronic Army’ pop-up | foodonia

A Thanksgiving attack across many Western news and information websites left visitors facing javascript pop-ups telling them they had been hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army, according to CNET.

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Gamer PCs – how to keep yours clean and mean | foodonia

Gamers have become major targets for hackers - from large-scale attacks against gaming companies, to small-scale scams carried out via game chat channels. But a few easy security steps should help keep your precious rig at full speed - and safe.

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Facebook to strengthen its privacy policy | foodonia

Facebook has announced a set of new privacy focused terms of service, which aims to let users of the social network ‘control their information’, according to The Independent. The changes, which will be live as of 1 January 2015, introduce ‘Privacy Basics’, a tool that shows users who can see any information they share on

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Pirated website themes contain ‘CryptoPHP backdoor’ | foodonia

Pirate themes and plugins for websites running on WordPress, Drupal and Joomla contain a nasty bit of malware that supports the attackers' Search Engine Optimization efforts, CRN reports.

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Australian government announces cybersecurity review | foodonia

The Australian government is to conduct its first review into the country's cyber security since 2008, ABC Australia reports.

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Cyber Monday – 12 tips to help you shop safely online | foodonia

Technology might evolve, but cyber gangs rely on tried-and-tested tactics. With a bit of care and attention, it’s easy to sort the genuine bargains from the too-good-to-be-true fakes.

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Bitcoin hack can reveal IP addresses of anonymous transactions | foodonia

The infamous anonymity of Bitcoin as a currency has a weakness built into it, according to a paper published by the University of Luxembourg.

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Do I need to worry about threats like Regin? | foodonia

Since the discovery of Stuxnet several years ago, there has been a parade of targeted malware that may have been created or sponsored by nation states. Does an average person or business really need to worry about these things?

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Google now lets you disconnect devices that looks ‘suspicious’ | foodonia

Google has launched a couple of new security feature for user of its apps. Most strikingly, the Devices and Activity dashboard allows users to see all devices that have logged in to the user's Google account, and from where, in the last 28 days, Mashable reports.

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Craigslist redirected to prank site via DNS hijack | foodonia

Craigslist visitors were left surprised earlier this week, when browsing the popular classifieds website led them to some unexpected places, reports The Register.

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Driverless cars ‘could be hacked’ warns Institute of Engineering and Technology | foodonia

Self-driving cars are just around the corner, with the UK government putting up £10 million (around $15.6 million) for cities to pilot trials as soon as next year, but the country's Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) today issued stern warnings about the security of the technology.

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16% of British adults hit by cyber attacks | foodonia

A new study has revealed that as many as one in six Britains have fallen victim to a cyber attack.

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‘Citadel’ trojan attacking password managers | foodonia

Using password managers is often recommended as good practice in order to prevent overusing the same logins, but a new malware has been uncovered that specifically targets the password managers that hold all the variants.

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Virus Bulletin and AVAR: a conference paper is for life | foodonia

ESET conference papers from the 2014 Virus Bulletin and AVAR conferences are now available.

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Smart home security – how not to be dumb with your devices | foodonia

It's easy to imagine that ALL connected devices - from fridges to CCTV cameras - are a security nightmare, but there are simple, sensible steps you can take to lock these risks down.

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Is it really the end for password authentication? | foodonia

Passwords as a method of authentication may be seeing their end of days. But what's a realistic alternative to our old, alphanumeric security standby? Biometrics? Or perhaps two-factor authentication can play a role?

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Can e-cigarettes give you malware? | foodonia

The long-term health effects of electronic cigarettes - or E-cigarettes - are still open for discussion - but the devices could harm your computer, at least if one report is to be believed.

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Week in Security: Grief for gamers, Unicorn spotted – and America wakes up | foodonia

Cybercriminals once again had gamers in their sights this week, with leaks of multiple account details and a new Steam scam - but there was good news in the form of upgraded security on Whatsapp, and dawning awareness on privacy.

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Facebook scams – ‘Naked woman eaten by shark’ is latest bait | foodonia

The latest salacious video - promising ‘Naked Woman Eaten by a Shark’ - is just one in a long chain of viral video scams spread via Faceboook.

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Study shows how subjects respond to security warnings… and being ‘hacked’ | foodonia

Security warnings are routinely ignored, according to a new study by Brigham Young University, which also cast interesting insight in what people's reactions are when they realize their computer has been compromised, according to News Room America.

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DerpTrolling leaks 5,604 logins for PSN, 2K and Windows Live | foodonia

Hacking group DerpTrolling has leaked 5,604 logins for three gaming networks to Pastebin, and claims that this is a "very small portion" of the credentials they have stolen, LifeHacker reports.

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More than half of British firms ‘would consider hiring hackers’ | foodonia

More than half of British firms would consider hiring computer hackers in the face of a severe skills shortage - and more than 50% of executives said that they would consider hiring an expert even if they had a criminal record

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Wireless attacks against ‘air gapped’ targets are possible, Israeli team claims | foodonia

A team of Israeli researchers has demonstrated a way to hack into an ultra-secure air-gapped network, install malware, and retreive information - without using hardware such as USB keys.

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Footage from thousands of home webcams found streaming on Russian site | foodonia

A Russian website is showing off hundreds of feeds of live webcam footage from inside homes and businesses, which have been accessed by hacking into people’s webcams, CCTV systems and monitors.

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First exploitation of Internet Explorer ‘Unicorn bug’ in-the-wild | foodonia

Microsoft released a patch last week for a critical vulnerability allowing remote code execution in Internet Explorer. This vulnerability is significant because it exploits an old bug present in Internet Explorer versions 3 through 11.

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WhatsApp gets tough on security | foodonia

But only on Android for now. The popular messaging service has announced a default encryption protocol that surely makes WhatsApp THE most secure consumer messaging system in the world right now.

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U.S. State Department shuts down entire email system after suspected attack | foodonia

The U.S. State Department has shut down its entire unclassified email system after a suspected intrusion - and technicians are now working to beef up email security systems.

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Steam gamers targeted with ‘free screensaver’ phishing scam | foodonia

Gamers on the popular Steam gaming service have been targeted with phishing scams via the service’s popular Marketplace - with apparent ‘bargains’ offering a sting in the tail.

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Privacy and security post-Snowden: Pew Research parallels ESET findings | foodonia

Privacy and security online are hot button topics in America today, as a new survey by the Pew Research Center confirms, mirroring similar results from two different privacy and security surveys conducted by ESET.

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Public Wi-Fi hotspots – know the risks | foodonia

For ordinary laptop and smartphone users, Wi-Fi is not ideal - but it’s sometimes near-inescapable.

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Nexus 5, Galaxy S5 and iPhone 5s hacked at Pwn2Own event | foodonia

The Samsung Galaxy S5, Apple iPhone 5s and Google Nexus 5 were amongst handsets to be successfully hacked during the Mobile Pwn2Own hacking competition, reports Forbes.

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How to stay safe on Snapchat | foodonia

Snapchat promises self destructing photos, but the recent leak of 13GB of snapchat images through a 3rd part website has left users questioning the app. Here are 5 things to remember when using Snapchat.

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Targeted Attacks against Tibetan Advocates using G20 2014 Summit Lure | foodonia

APT actors trying to use big events as a lure to compromise their targets is nothing new. Tibetan NGOs being targeted by APT actors is also nothing new. Thus, surrounding the upcoming G20 2014 summit that is held in Brisbane, Australia, we were expecting to see G20 themed threats targeted at Tibetan NGOs. A Win32/Farfli (alias Gh0st RAT) sample ultimately confirmed our suspicions.

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MasterCard and Visa to end password authentication | foodonia

MasterCard and VISA have revealed their plan to end the use of passwords for online payments, reports The Telegraph.

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IT Pros also guilty of risqué selfies on mobiles | foodonia

ESET study reveals many IT professionals are guilty of storing indecent material on their mobile phones, which would leave them embarrassed if lost.

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BadUSB potential not as widespread as originally thought, but remains difficult to avoid | foodonia

The BadUSB malware which potentially turns any USB stick into a 'unpatchable' malware carrier doesn't quite have the potential for mayhem it was originally feared, according to the researcher who uncovered the exploit.

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.NET goes open source and cross-platform | foodonia

Microsoft's .NET framework, which is used to build millions of websites and online applications, is taking further steps to go completely open-source, Microsoft has announced at the Connect() virtual development event. The company also stated its commitment to eventually ensure the free code runs on Mac OS and Linux too, Wired reports.

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Microsoft discovers vulnerability in all versions of Windows – patch available | foodonia

Microsoft has uncovered a flaw in all supported versions of Microsoft Windows that could allow hundreds of millions of computers to be taken over by a remote attacker, International Business Times reports.

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Snapchat urges users to disconnect third party apps after breach | foodonia

Following last month's leak of 13gb worth of private Snapchat videos, the vanishing message service has announced a new policy whereby it will automatically detect third-party apps, and advise users to disconnect them, reports Tech Crunch.

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Website reveals 73,000 unprotected security cameras with default passwords | foodonia

As we've reported before, users and businesses leaving their router username and passwords as the manufacturer's default are potentially leaving themselves open to an easy hack, but a new website has sprung up illustrating the point in alarming detail.

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Sednit Espionage Group Attacking Air-Gapped Networks | foodonia

The Sednit espionage group, also known as the Sofacy group, APT28 or “Fancy Bear”, has been targeting various institutions for many years. We recently discovered a component the group employed to reach physically isolated computer networks -- “air-gapped” networks -- and exfiltrate sensitive files from them through removable drives.

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Kickstarter campaigns wants your password on your wrist | foodonia

A new wristband that aims to replace the password has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. At the time of writing, Everykey has passed the halfway mark on its $100,000 funding target with $56,586 pledged with 19 days to reach $100,000. Using Bluetooth, the Everykey promises “immediate access to a user’s password-protected electronics such as

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Amazon phishing scams hit over 750,000 Brits | foodonia

Although phishing scams are something everyone should always be vigilant to, AppRiver has identified two specific Amazon types which are currently targeting the UK market, Tech Week Europe reports.

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Home Depot breach: hackers took 53 million email addresses | foodonia

September's breach of Home Depot that saw 56 million sets of credit and debit card data stolen was not the only thing lost in the leak, the company has revealed.

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Apple Pay and security – what you need to know | foodonia

Mobile payments look set to be one of the defining technologies of 2015, as the launch of Apple Pay catalyses a boom in cardless payments - both from Apple’s own system, and rivals playing catch-up.

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