
Facebook welcomes private browsers with dedicated Tor link | foodonia

Facebook has opened its doors to privacy concerned users, but opening up a dedicated Tor link, guaranteeing that people who visit the social networking site through anonymous browsers aren't mistaken for botnets, Gizmodo reports.

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Microsoft issues rapid fix to GroupMe exploit | foodonia

iOS and Android messaging app GroupMe has had a possible vulnerability fixed quickly by Microsoft, according to The Register. There was no evidence to suggest any cybercriminals had been able to exploit the flaw before it was patched.

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Two recently patched Adobe Flash vulnerabilities now used in Exploit Kits | foodonia

Two Flash vulnerabilities that were fixed by Adobe 2 weeks ago are now being used in exploit kits. This is in addition to a third vulnerability, CVE-2014-0556, that was patched in September and that has also been added to Nuclear EK last week.

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Police can make you unlock your phone with a fingerprint – judge | foodonia

A judge in Virginia has ruled that the police can require you to unlock your smartphone with a fingerprint, but not with a passcode, Mashable reports. The seeming inconsistency here comes from the different ways passwords and physical authentication are treated. While a fingerprint is “like handing in a DNA sample or a physical key,

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How to make sure Flash is up-to-date and enabling it on-demand | foodonia

Learn how to update Adobe Flash Player, to help protect against malware attacks.

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Stealthy malware uses Gmail drafts to steal data | foodonia

A new strain of malware that uses Gmail drafts in an invisible Internet Explorer window, has been discovered. According to Network World, the malware uses the drafts folder as "the command and control to steal data."

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Wearable tech and security – can watches help? | foodonia

So far, wearable tech has been of interest mainly to fitness fiends - but a new generation of hi-tech wearables comes armed with built-in scanners, biometrics and even 'three-factor security'. Can a watch really keep secrets?

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Top Cyber Security Awareness Month themes, topics, and resources | foodonia

National Cyber Security Awareness Month happens every October and NCSAM 2014 has seen more events and resources than ever. This recorded webinar discusses the top topics of NCSAM 2014, from the shortage of skilled cybersecurity workers to the Internet of Things (IoT).

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‘Find My Mobile’ system can be used to attack Samsung handsets | foodonia

One of the most popular and useful security functions of mobile handsets can be turned against the owner.

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White House hit by “sustained” cyber attack, hackers breach unclassified network | foodonia

IT security staff have spent the last few weeks fighting hackers in the White House, after a computer network was breached. But can we tell who was behind the attack?

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Google outlines new security features in Android 5.0 | foodonia

Google has outlined the enhanced security credentials of the upcoming Android 5.0 - nicknamed Lollipop - in an official blog post.

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AVAR Down Under – Security Researchers at Work | foodonia

ESET will be well represented in papers presented at the AVAR conference in November, but that's not the only interesting content on the agenda.

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British job centers to introduce biometric recognition | foodonia

Job centers across the United Kingdom are due to get a technological makeover, courtesy of biometric and signature recognition pads, reports IT Pro Portal.

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Fidelity National Financial warns of data leak after phishing attack | foodonia

Fidelity National Financial has been contacting an "undisclosed number of individuals", notifying them that a selection of personal data may have been exposed after some of the Fortune 500 company's employees had their email accounts targeted by a phishing campaign, SC Magazine reports.

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How do open source tools stay secure? | foodonia

Security of open source code is a hot topic, what with Heartbleed, Shellshock, and Poodle making the news. Open source code is now widely used everywhere, from big enterprises to small businesses. This recorded webinar discusses how to keep open source tools secure,

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42% of Americans hit by regular online attacks, says Microsoft survey | foodonia

A study by Microsoft has revealed that 42 percent of Americans face 'weekly or daily' attacks by cybercriminals trying to access their computers, Network World reports.

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Tor users targeted with exit node malware | foodonia

An exit node on the Tor network has been discovered to be slipping malware on top of downloads, according to The Register. The server, based in Russia, has been flagged as bad by The Tor Project, but this "would not prevent copycat attackers from the more than 100 exit nodes in operation."

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Internet trolls – how to deal with online abuse | foodonia

Most internet users have faced some kind of problems with internet trolls - and a new study has thrown light on who they are. We discuss how best to deal with the online pests.

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New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding appear as Anonabox is pulled by Kickstarter | foodonia

A selection of rival privacy conscious Tor routers have appeared on crowdfunding sites after the Anonabox was surprisingly pulled just days after smashing its modest funding targets.

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Twitter: “We’re finally getting rid of the password” | foodonia

Popular microblogging platform Twitter is taking bold steps to try and put an end to the password as we know it, according to Sky News.

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Ready, set, shop: 10 top tips for a safe shopping season | foodonia

Tips for safe holiday shopping: whether you shop online or at the mall, there are some simple strategies that can protect your bank accounts and payment cards against criminal hackers and scammers.

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Could hackers give you a heart attack or drugs overdose? US authorities investigate | foodonia

There is growing concern that in the rush to embrace technology to save and improve the lives of patients, medical scientists may have forgotten something important: security.

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Counter surveillance tech – can gadgets spy-proof your life? | foodonia

Over the past few years, counter surveillance gadgets which might have been the preserve of secretive government departments a decade ago have suddenly hit mainstream shops - from Mission Impossible-stlye self-destructing drives to some rather eerie counter-surveillance masks.

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Top 5 Scariest Zombie Botnets | foodonia

An army of the undead, wreaking havoc on the Internet – it's a nightmare scenario that has played out many times as the population of humans online has exploded. Some zombie plagues have been particularly troubling, and we will take a look at the worst of the worst.

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Shopping safely with Amazon | foodonia

Online shopping can be risky even if you use world renowned websites such as Amazon. Take a look at our top tips for how to shop safely with the online store.

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How to speed up your computer | foodonia

A slow computer can be both frustrating and time consuming, so we’ve provided a few basic tips to help give your computer its speed back.

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Yahoo, Match and AOL hit by ransomware | foodonia

Cybercriminals taking advantage of a 'malvertising' attack on big name sites including Yahoo!, Match.com and AOL were making in the region of $25,000 per day, according to Forbes.

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The Evolution of Webinject | foodonia

Last month, we presented “The Evolution of Webinject” in Seattle at the 24th Virus Bulletin conference. This blog post will go over its key findings and provide links to the various material that has been released in the last few weeks.

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Windows 10 to tighten security with prominent two-factor authentication | foodonia

Microsoft is taking aim at traditional single password systems with the upcoming version of Windows, by including build in two-factor authentication according to ZDNet, which describes the move as "audacious plans to tighten security".

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iCloud users in China under attack. But who could be after their passwords? | foodonia

Make sure you are running a half-decent browser, don't ignore browser security warnings, and enable two-factor authentication.

That appears to be the lesson to learn from the latest attack on Chinese internet users.

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UK takes aim at serious hacking offenses with planned life sentences | foodonia

Law makers in Britain are discussing a dramatic increase in sentencing for serious hacking offences, according to The Register. Currently in discussion in the country's upper house, The House of Lords, the move looks to overhaul the Computer Misuse Act 1990, and includes a possible life sentence for serious hackers.

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Top 5 tips for securing your PC | foodonia

Securing your PC isn't as complex as it first appears. Here's five tips to help keep your documents safe and threats at bay.

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Google now offers USB key authentication | foodonia

Google has added an extra layer of security to its browser, by introducing USB authentication to Chrome, the company has announced in an official blog post.

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Botnet malware: What it is and how to fight it | foodonia

Malware or malicious computer code has been around in some form or other for over 40 years, but the use of malware to take control of a group of computers that are then organized into something called a botnet is more a twenty-first century phenomenon.

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Proof-of-concept worm can attack network attached storage | foodonia

A proof-of-concept worm that can hunt network attached storage (or NAS) devices has been created by a security researcher. According to Tech World, the worm can target devices created by three different manufacturers.

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Myths about malware: an exploit is the same as malware | foodonia

In this post we want to share with you a question that arose from the first post in this series: whether exploits are the same as malware. What are we talking about? The best way to debunk any myth is to start by understanding what it is we are talking about.

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Staples the latest to be hit by credit card breach? | foodonia

Stationary and office supply store Staples is the latest company to be dealing with a credit and debit card breach, according to Brian Krebs at Krebs on Security.

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Facebook scans ‘paste sites’ for leaked usernames and passwords | foodonia

Facebook has a system in place to scan public 'paste' sites for email address and password combinations to stay one step ahead of possible leaks, according to The Register.

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Obama signs federal credit cards security order | foodonia

President Barack Obama has signed an executive order to increase security on federal credit cards, and has urged retailers and banks to do similar to combat identify fraud, reports Reuters.

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Botnets: remote controls for cybercriminals | foodonia

As promised in our post about the European Cyber Security Month during October, we are publishing about Botnets and Exploits this week. Even though we had the Poodle flaw in the web encryption standard a few days ago, we are using this week to explain what are botnets and exploits and how they work.

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Vulnerable web cams, printers and cable modems have become DDoS launch platforms | foodonia

Over 4 million UPnP devices could be used to assist in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, Akamai has warned.

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Infographic: a brief history of malware | foodonia

Malware has come a long way since its earliest days, and aided by the rapid development of the internet it's certainly faster spreading than the weeks it took in the days of floppy disk transfer.

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Android Lollipop offers password protection against factory resets | foodonia

The latest version of Android, nicknamed Lollipop, will offer a new feature that could make stolen phones a whole lot less valuable to thieves: the ability to only allow factory resets when entering a password.

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Privacy online – what you can do (and what you can’t) | foodonia

Many of us have moments when we need, or want, to be more private online - when searching for a new job, for instance, or when having a private business conversation.

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Facebook ‘Safety Check’ allows travelers to alert family of safety | foodonia

Facebook is introducing a new feature targeted at users it believes are in or near a disaster zone to let their loved ones know they are okay, according to The Independent.

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iPad Air 2 – fingerprint security is here to stay | foodonia

The latest version of the Apple iPad is due to be announced at an event later today, and according to Gizmodo, the Californian tech company are planning on bringing the finger print security system implemented in recent iPhones to the tablet market for the first time.

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Cybercrime statistics offer a glimpse into the underworld | foodonia

A crime-reporting survey in Canada has offered a unique insight into how cybercrime affects a large population - and an insight into a grim underworld dominated by fraud, violence and sexual abuse.

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Chase breach: Stolen personal info brings headaches too | foodonia

On the one hand, the breach of JP Morgan Chase is not as bad as it could have been. But how do you measure relative “badness” of a breach?

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Hungarian soccer fans protest against stadium’s new biometric security | foodonia

Fans of Hungarian soccer team Ferencvaros have come "en masse to their home stadium in Budapest" to protest the club's new biometric ID equipment, which controls turnstile entry to the stadium, according to Biometric Update.

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POODLE Attack – Google uncovers major flaw in SSL 3.0 | foodonia

In an announcement eerily reminiscent of the early phases of the Heartbleed flaw that took internet security by storm earlier in the year, Google has uncovered an exploit that could allow attackers to decode the plaintext traffic of a secure connection.

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