
XBox and PSN attacks were “marketing scheme” for Lizard Squad’s DDoS service | foodonia

The attack which knocked the PlayStation Network (PSN) and Xbox Live offline over Christmas appears to have been a publicity stunt, designed to gain notoriety and draw attention to the hacking group which has claimed responsibility – Lizard Squad.

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Tor Network warns of potential attack | foodonia

Is the Tor Network about to be knocked offline? Insiders certainly seem to think so as intelligence of a credible threat against the network's relays has been received. Is this a genuine threat to the Tor Network's ability to function?

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Yik Yak – what security-conscious users need to know | foodonia

It's billed as the hottest new messaging app on the planet, and it's rocketed into the top ten in the U.S. in just a year. But how safe are you on Yik Yak?

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North Korea falls off the internet – is the United States to blame? | foodonia

Barack Obama promises that the United States will respond to the Sony hack, and North Korea drops off the internet. Is there a connection?

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The Sony Pictures Hack: 5 short sharp lessons we all can learn | foodonia

The recent hacking of Sony Pictures offers valuable lessons in cybersecurity from which every company and consumer can learn.

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UK Broadband ISPs hijacking browsers to push porn blocks | foodonia

A host of UK broadband providers are hijacking people's browsers mid-session to force them into making decisions on adult content filters.

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Win32/Virlock: First Self-Reproducing Ransomware is also a Shape Shifter | foodonia

Win32/VirLock is ransomware that locks victims’ screens but also acts as parasitic virus, infecting existing files on their computers. The virus is also polymorphic, which makes it an interesting piece of malware to analyze. This is the first time such combination of malware features has been observed.

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Madonna thinks her computer was hacked | foodonia

Turns out that the Material Girl has had her material stolen, and she's blaming hackers!

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Even skateboards can be hacked | foodonia

It seems even the humble skateboard isn't immune to hacking, as The Register reports that the 'Boosted' brand of electric skateboards has been hacked by a pair of hackers.

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Mobile security: flaw allows hackers to read texts and listen to calls | foodonia

Hackers can eavesdrop on your phone calls and text messages even with cell networks using "the most advanced encryption available" according to The Washington Post.

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UK Office of Communications reveals nature of recent cyberattacks | foodonia

A Freedom of Information request to the UK's Office of Communications has revealed exactly how persistent hackers are at attacking government departments in the country.

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Target breach 12 months on: a year of lessons learned | foodonia

The Target hack that was revealed one year ago today brought new levels of awareness to the problem of cybercrime. Today we review the case and its impact. To go straight to the lessons learned, click here. The Big One: Target “Nationwide retail giant Target is investigating a data breach potentially involving millions of customer

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ICANN computers compromised by hackers | foodonia

The nonprofit organization that looks after name and internet domains has been hit by a spear phishing hack that has compromised company data, reports The Register.

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Uber considers biometrics in bid to improve safety | foodonia

The ride-sharing app Uber has unveiled new security plans to screen drivers, helping ensure passenger safety, Engadget reports.

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Webcam security – how to lock down the cameras in your home | foodonia

Our tips will help you hacker-proof anything from baby monitors to surveillance cameras - and keep your home private.

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Dutch University unveils ‘fraud proof’ credit card concept | foodonia

A Dutch university has reportedly made great steps towards making the dream of a 'fraud-proof' credit card a reality by utilizing quantum physics.

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Delta Airlines security flaw exposes passengers’ boarding passes | foodonia

A vulnerability at Delta Airlines which allowed customers to view any other passengers' electronic boarding passes has been fixed, reports Ubergizmo.

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2014 Security Lessons: Making 2015 More Secure | foodonia

A few days ago, I gave a webinar titled Make 2015 More Secure: Lessons from 2014, which was a follow-up to the 2014 Mid-Year Threat Report webinar from this summer.

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TorrentLocker — Ransomware in a country near you | foodonia

Today, we are publishing research on ransomware that emerged in 2014. We have posted blog articles about this threat before, to raise awareness when we realized the criminals were targeting the United Kingdom and Spain.

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TorrentLocker: Racketeering ransomware disassembled by ESET experts | foodonia

Security experts at ESET have released their latest research into the notorious TorrentLocker malware, which has infected thousands of computer systems around the world, taking data hostage and demanding a ransom be paid to ensure its safe return.

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Facebook scam: You won’t get a car for liking posts… | foodonia

A new Facebook scam is doing the rounds promising users of the social network the chance to win a brand new car, if they only like and share a photo of the car tied up with a stylish gift ribbon.

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Hypercom payment terminals bricked… but not by malware | foodonia

When 'several thousand' payment terminals across the country stopped working last week, it would be easy to jump to the conclusion that some malicious malware was on the loose, but the truth had nothing to do with cybercriminals, Brian Krebs of Krebs on Security explains.

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FBI warns hacker groups are targeting US energy firms | foodonia

The FBI has issued a warning to American businesses, encouraging them to be on high alert for Iranian hacking groups targeting energy and defense firms as well as educational institutions.

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FBI outlines proposals for dealing with cybercrime to Congress | foodonia

Joseph Demarest, assistant director at the FBI, has been testifying on the threats of cybercrime to a Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and Network World reports that the agency has three specific recommendations of how Congress could assist with the ever-evolving problem.

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POODLE vulnerability found to also bite TLS encryption | foodonia

When it was first uncovered back in October, researchers believed that only sites using SSL 3.0 were vulnerable to the POODLE, but now it appears certain implementations of TLS could be compromised using a similar exploit, according to ZDNet.

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Facebook hoax – how to tell instantly if a story is fake | foodonia

Two-thirds of young people first learn about major news events via Facebook - but as cybercriminals cash in with hoax stories and links, it can be difficult to tell 'real' content from fake. Our tips can help.

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Trust, Truth and Hoaxes in Social Media | foodonia

Social networks are fun, but can also spread misinformation and worse. We discuss myths about your contract with Facebook, and whether British politicians are interested only in their own salaries.

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Company data at risk by widespread employee access | foodonia

A large number of companies are leaving their confidential files at risk by over-sharing with employees, according to a new survey by the Ponemon Institute.

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Bebe clothing store suffers payment card breach | foodonia

The clothing chain Bebe has been the latest company to suffer a breach of payment card information to hackers, reports PC World.

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Sony Pictures hacking traced to Thai hotel as North Korea denies involvement | foodonia

The identity of the Sony Pictures hackers who attacked last week remains a mystery, but we have an alleged location where the attack was masterminded from, according to a report from Bloomberg.

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Tor a major source of bank fraud, says US Treasury Dept. | foodonia

Tor has been used to mask the identities of cybercriminals in a significant number of bank frauds for over a decade, according to a US Treasury Department report obtained by Brian Krebs on his Krebs on Security website.

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Identity theft – six tips to help keep yours safe | foodonia

Private data such as addresses and social security numbers can be just as valuable to cybercriminals as valid credit card details can be to thieves - if not more so. Lock yours down with our tips.

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US announces new cybersecurity unit with a focus on prevention | foodonia

The Department of Justice has announced that it is creating a dedicated cybersecurity unit, with an eye on prevention rather, reports Gizmodo.

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Sony Pictures hacking exposed Hollywood stars’ personal data | foodonia

The fallout from Sony Pictures' hacking continued today, with the Wall Street Journal reporting that 47,000 sets of personal details have been posted online.

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How to delete yourself from Google Search | foodonia

Deleting yourself from Google is not quite as simple as pressing a button, but you can manage your digital footprint by following these 5 simple steps.

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PayPal bug bounty catches account-hijacking vulnerability | foodonia

Popular internet payment provider PayPal has fixed an exploit that would have allowed hackers to take over an account with a single click, reports The Register.

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Firefox 34 disables SSL 3.0 and tackles eight security fixes | foodonia

Firefox 34, the latest version of the Mozilla's popular web browser has disabled support for SSL 3.0 in reaction to the POODLE exploit, reported by We Live Security back in October.

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How to spot a Kickstarter scam | foodonia

Crowd funding sites are full of great ideas, but can also be a hot bed of scams. Stay safe with these top 5 tips.

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